March 10, 2025


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Death in Kinshasa of singer Al Pachino


The singer Al Pachino, Nsimba Lufwankenda his real name, died Monday atUniversity Hospitals of Kinshasa, at the age of 36 years. According tolocal press reports, the singer suffered from renal failure that wasfatal. A medical evacuation to South Africa had been considered butapparently without success. 

Al Pachino was replaced by the band Chic Choc Loyenge of Ngadiadia aka Ngadios, by the music lovers, particularly through an interpreted with thehelp of musicians Zaiko Langa-Langa (Shango, Modesto, Montingiya, Nono,Baroz, etc.) sung in 90s. His talents as a singer and host of shock willshine even more in Nouvelle Ecriture a variant of the band  Viva la Musicaof Papa Wemba.

Abandoning his traditional Rumba Rock, Papa Wemba hassuccessfully passed the migration to the ndombolo “through the albums”Fula Ngenge “and” À la Une ” in which Al Patchino maestria posed withhis paw. If the rhythm was printed by the guitarists and the drummer it is AlPachino, who with his imposing presence, gave the “la”, the tempo of theatmosphere. In addition, his song “Bokabuani” (album “In A”) is probablythe best achievement of his relatively short career.

 Those happy days in the wake of Papa Wemba will be an interlude, as in2007, Al Pachino he will make his own path, a solo career that is limitedto an album “Against the wall” released in October 2007. Solo career doesnot mean isolation and navel, Al Pachino went picking the voices ofsingers Manda Chante, Ferre Gola, Jean Goubald Kalala as a final tour ofbuddies before making his reverence. Without return, without lookingbehind.