It was exactly 16:00 when many music lovers have responded to the concert while they were introduced in the presence of the LORD at the rhythm of Maman Lyly Ndombele, Sister Micheline Waza, the sanctuary church choir, Br. Simon Peter, and choreography of the children of the sanctuary church, as the warming up of the hall before the concert.
An hour and a half later, the hall finally vibrates with the entry of Brother Francis Kalala who, without delay, began the concert with delightful songs of praise drawn from his latest album Jubilee. He continued with one of his songs of worship: ‘You are worthy to be praised’. At 17:45, the song Oza Nzambe Bolingo was not only well song and understood but had the privilege of being song by surprising risen sister Believe Veyi who convinced joyful participants, under the influence of the Holy Spirit. As a reminder, sister Believe Veyi is now performing very well in the Christian music Johannesburg. Five minutes later, the star of the evening lasted delights of the audience with the song ‘My Season’ which, indeed, extensively neutralized the hits parade of Christian music in South Africa since its release in 2004…
In addition, the technical team has done a great job and professionally performed well, as it is true that they took their time of practices in order to exactly reproduce the sound of the disc. But the success of the concert (for which the entrance fee was expensive compared to the previous concert of Brother Kalala in Jo’bourg under Maranatha production, the entry was free for all) was also possible with the involvement or participation of other music stars who came and performed in support to Francis Kalala – this intervention was very welcomed as many fans and children of God who participated to the concert had not regretted their money to enter. Indeed, we were surprised by the voice of Brother Bob Boselli, which electrified once again the public. At 18:00, the two Masters of Ceremony – Didier Bayeye and Andy Nsimunde- took the floor and announced the arrival at the stage of Pastor Mamie Veyi, the wife of the Apostle Gabriel Veyi. Her entrance was very welcomed by the people of God while working to the stage with her husband who said words of encouragement to her and the son and daughters of the heirs of the Sanctuary of promises, the Church has a total of 9 years of existence in South Africa. What is important to note is that Maman Mamie Veyi and Brother Francis Kalala have organized this concert just to celebrate the nine-years of the church, as the man of God, Veyi, had not planned something this year for the occasion, contrary to the tradition of convening great convention between March and April.At 18h03, Mamie Veyi and Francis Kalala interpreted in chorus one of the popular songs ‘Je chanterai des louanges de l’Eternel’ (I sing the praises of the LORD). It electrified the hall and consequently the people of God and all the invites began swing all they had in hand during the chorus. At 18h15 the duo interpreted: ‘ZUA Ngai mpunda na yo’ and that is when the wife of Francis rushed to the podium to give her husband a bouquet of flowers as a sign of love, accompanied by another lady (wife of Mr John Paul Tshiendela) who, at her turn, will come and offer a gift to Mamie Veyi simply because it was affected by her performance. Yes, the song immediately took the crowd in prayer and the declaration of the goodness of the LORD! During this time of worship, the servant of the LORD, Mamie Veyi gave a testimony telling how in last year, in the same period, she could not sing for the glory of the Lord and this year she is easily singing for Him and successfully. The lesson of the testimony: God, the Master of time and circumstances, has a wonderful plan for each of His children.
The media were represented by Clarisse Ebanda who, freshly comes from the DR Congo, and works for Antenne A, Francis of Muangaza TV of Lubumbashi; Venant Mambumina and Jean-Paul of Pros-Media; Freddy Tondole of Music Record; Danny Image; JP Kazadi Photo; Pitshou Kalala of Rehoboth; Nico Salumu of Prosanic Audio Visual and the Service of Communication of the Sanctuary of Héritiers of promises. While security was provided by Brother Didier Muteba and his team. At 18h20, Brother Francis interpretated ‘Alleluia’ and after ‘Mema sanduku na mapeka’. The two songs shook the people and created ambiance in the crowd. At 18h37, Mamie Veyi, being the first woman in the group, called upon and invited the women of distinction of the Church Sanctuary on the podium. And that was the end of the first part of the evening. And during the small break, the hall greeted and welcomed the guest and representative of Antenna A. Au rétour sur scène, les héros de la soirée prestèrent en chantant Seigneur, toi qui connais mon âme, qui est le tube historique du Pasteur Lifoko du Ciel, interprétée et popularisée par la Soeur Marie Misamu. Ils enchaîneront vers 19h14 avec Polé et, après, Jubilé, qui plongea la salle au bord du délire. Le rendez-vous continua avec Ma saison, ce générique époustoufflant de 2004 qui nous rappelle encore cet agréable rhythme de clavier “pelin pelin pelin”. Alors le podium fut envahi par les enfants exhibant des pas de danse. Enfin, à 19h39, l’événement fut clôturé en beauté avec “Eh eh My God is Good oh”. En résumé,le concert fut une réussite totale. When the break resumed, the heroes of the evening sung song of praise: ‘Lord, you who know my soul’, the historical song of the Pasteur Lifoko du Ciel, interpreted and popularized by Sister Marie Misamu. Around 19h14, they have continued with ‘Pole’ and then the ‘Jubilee’, which plunged the hall at the edge of delirium. The concert continued with ‘my season’, this generic of 2004 that still remind us this pleasant rhythm keyboard (Clavier): “pelin pelin pelin’. So the stage was invaded by children showing dance steps. Finally, at 19h39, the event was closed with “Eh eh my God is Good.” In summary, the concert was totally successful. We were very excited by the fact that guests of the evening; very happy to stand in the presence of the Lord, refusing to seat as required by the body. This is an example of the Apostle Gabriel Veyi, very blessed Maman Bibi Kuedietuka and Diacre Janvier Ebengo, and also Arsene Kianga of Mayumbu, Patrick Mavungu of Maison la Percée, Berger Eddy, Papa Mulumba, Papa Manzambi, Jo Landu Lusakivana and so on. When Brother Francis Kalala commented on the concert, he exploded with joy about the whole process. He firstly thinks the Eternal God of mercy and then his spiritual father and man of God, Gabriel Veyi, and all the heirs, and after he expressed his gratitude to his producer, Maranatha House and the press of Johannesburg, with special thanks to Junior Vangu – le Champignon- in London, Ben Adam Noah of Amagep, and Serge Tungila of Amagep/DRC. He ended his comments by saying thanks to Mr Jossart Muanza of Afriquechos Magazine / Lausanne and Mr Alain Matundu of Amagep Jo’burg.If you want the pictures of the concert, kindly go
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