March 10, 2025


here for you

Nyoka Longo: “I arrive in Kinshasa on 27 February, two days after Papy Cocaine and Chou Lay”


We will not ask the fans of Zaiko Langa Langa to prepare a donkey and branches by 27 February as income for Jesus triumphantly to Jerusalem, but returned Jossart Nyoka Longo did Kinshasa that day and there will be the emotion profusion.Tant this return has been repeatedly announced and postponed for six years.

Apart from his four returns are announced: Gégé Mangaya Shango and take the same flight Jossart and three will be preceded by the moderator Papy Cocaine singer and son of Chou Evoloko Lay Lay Lay. When announcing the trip, he said to AEM: “I Zaiko back at home,” the singer weighs his words and wants to understand that he never thought to capture the orchestra. An orchestra that, like many music lovers, as a national heritage, perhaps even Africa. Nine days before the return to balance a long stay was not a parenthesis because, he argues, the band released three albums ( “Eureka”, “footprint” and “encounter”) and insured benefits still widely followed.

Afriqu’Echos MAGAZINE (AEM): When did you regain precisely Kinshasa?

JOSSART NYOKA LONGO (JNL): I left Brussels and arrived in Kinshasa on Friday 27 February 2009.

AEM: Do you have long conditioning your back to the acquisition of a sound system but also its shipping is done as you return to Kinshasa?

JNL: Not completely. By against, I have received promises and reassuring. And then there’s also my family and my country that I miss. I returned and I am fortunate to count on our young recruits that I must congratulate for the work done during our long absence from the country. With the guidance of elders who have agreed to come with me, we will confirm that “Zaiko Eyi Nkisi, Zaiko Eyi magic” and that we are always “Bankolo Mboka. ”

AEM: Do you think the Gunners are developed and will be operational as soon as you return?

JNL: They do good work. I know that the connection will be much easier thanks to the work of Roucoulet Kibwa, Modeste Modikilo and Alpha Omoyi (Nina Alengisaka) on the artistic and all these people that I can not mention all here in terms of their supervision material, financial and morale of this team.

AEM: What are the elders who leave with you?

JNL: Once past the Belgian immigration that I will call you to tell you. I have experience in this type of situation leads me to be cautious. Today, I can simply say that Gégé Mangaya Shango and take the same flight as me while Grandpa and Chou Cockson Lay arrive two days earlier.

AEM: What kinds of reactions have you made since the announcement of your return?

I feel, from lovers, friends and relatives of relief, excitement and euphoria. The wait was long, too long for music lovers and relatives in the country. I would have liked to stay in Europe was less long, but there are imponderables but I had to prepare future less uncertain in our group. Zaiko did not deserve Vivotif after our stay in Europe. My extended stay was not a situation, I made this difficult choice, but for the future, I think. It was humanly painful choice, but I could not provide for random and precarious working with musicians Zaiko, they deserve better because the music is a noble work even if the Congolese musician has not sufficiently demonstrated. Finally, if you look at the state of our music is not going to say that we have been dropped. That we forget that in Europe we had worked and the orchestra was the most regular rate of filling rooms. We were six years for a profitable business, juicy for producers who did not need much advertising to fill theaters.

AEM: How did you feel about these six years in Europe: a feeling of loneliness? Moments of doubt and despair? depression? blues? or the serenity that you would have to take, to remain unmoved?

JNL: I never felt lonely because of the availability of all those people who love me and who also like Zaiko despite all these ingratitude and betrayal that made me suffer some of my colleagues. I’m not bitter or spiteful, and I bless God for me for their happiness and their respective families.

AEM: Can we identify the most strong, the most touching, most unfortunate and most shocking of your stay?

JNL: The strongest moments are when we saw the hand of the Lord our God our brother Ricky Lumbu and Adoul Monga, Gégé Mangaya, Landu Shango, Little Fish and myself. We give thanks for all these wonders because doctors treating drugs relieve but Him, He alone who heals. That is what we have gained more importance during this tour. I always asked my colleagues to reflect on that. That is more important, even more, I think, that the vehicles, instruments, residence permits of some of us or other property acquired in this tour.

As at the most touching, it’s still our show at the Zenith. In the most unfortunate I mention the loss of my younger brother Ambassy and all my brothers and sisters who have shared good and bad moments with me Zaiko in Kinshasa and Brazzaville. That is what is most difficult for me in my feet foulant in Kinshasa and Brazzaville. Peace to their souls. Finally, I consider the most upsetting my arrest in Belgium.

AEM: The visit also resulted in a lengthy interview on DVD release in which you refer at length your life and career, first because you have the reputation for secrecy. What made you decide to share with you at this point? What did you think after watching this interview?

JNL: For me it was an opportunity offered Bokal me and I could not miss. People have often caricatured and I’ve never tried to fight against certain stereotypes, I would have left too much energy. Also I had in front of me a journalist who has learned to know and understand the history of Zaiko with its complexities, its apparent and hidden truths, but also to better define the personality of those who Zaiko, those who are past and those who are. And as everyone has seen, this was not an interview with my glory. After seeing what is out on DVD and in the light of feedback I received, the draft of a book this year was imposed on us both.

AEM: Zaiko Langa Langa has released three albums during your stay in Europe, will you finally make their promo?

JNL: Some titles of these albums are already part of our directory recruits fluent.

AEM: productions are planned for your return or programming is it taking place?

JNL: Prepration Some are very advanced and programming is being finalized. Contact persons in Kinshasa to learn more or to make proposals Sheriff Mafu (Tel. and Claude Kidicho (Tel. And as far as the reception committee, Sec. Emma (Tel. 099.813.60.40) and Prof.. Patrick Misasi (Tel.

AEM: It speaks more of the festivities of the 40th anniversary of ZLL, elders who are no longer part of the group are already involved as we learn through the press, what is planned exactly?

JNL: Everything will be said during the press conference that we expect to hold on 28 March 2009, the anniversary of the first exit Zaiko LL in 1970. The 18th anniversary we have done with Laudert Productions, for the 25th anniversary it was with Jean-Pierre EALE. Zaiko alumni that will be available this year will be welcome.
