Blanco du Pouvoir, Blanchard his real name, was baptized by
his Master Nino Malope while he was playing in the band Bantu in the Brazza Capital city.
He has struggled to develop his music and his career
in both capital cities closest to World, Kinshasa and Brazzaville.
Hitherto he has been able to make an album and had the chance to sing with
some great artists of international renown.
Here this time in Solo with “Points de Repere”.
Here is Blanco du Pouvoir answering our questions:
Very laid, like a dove, smiling and Intelligent Blanco du Pouvoir continues
to speak of his idols such as Pepe Kalle, General Defao.
As we explained at length the contents of his album “Point de Repère” which
will soon be on the disk market under the production of Jacques Tshani (Roboth Production)
The said conference went well, the artist was strongly
moved by the efforts and solidarity of our Friends of the Press toward him by saying:
“I thank all Journalists, Presenters, Moderators and Friends for coming to
this overwhelmingly Conference.
I felt the love and esteem and I am very grateful ”
He did not forget to thank the Congolese from Kinshasa and Brazzaville
having supported him morally, physically and materially.
We have had an attendance of several media workers.
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