March 10, 2025


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Zaiko Langa Langa: Full booked and Nyoka Longo triumphant

Obviously, Kinshasa music lovers could not longer wait to see Ya Jossart and Zaiko Langa Langa on stage in Kinshasa: they overwhelmingly and warmly and took part in the four concerts over three days. Full booked on Friday, April 17, in a Congolese hall of the Grand Hotel for a concert fully booked at $100 entrance for VIPs, then on Saturday 18 April at the Maquis GB in Kintambo, SOCIMAT roundabout, a human tide braved rain, and more without looking at the spending of 50 dollars a ticket. The next day, Sunday afternoon, the band delivered a show explosive in the open air at Kinkole despite a not mild weather before a huge crowd , and in the evening a total rush in Montreal, the new sanctuary of the group, located opposite the  Stage of the Martyrs: at 20 USD entrance. No more doubt, the number of entries in these four concerts succeeding confirms the greatness of the artist and the true commitment of the public, all ages and all generations joined together to the group Zaiko Langa Langa.

Prior to these concerts that the organizers called “the three glorious, some skeptical colleagues from Kinshasa gave little chance of the artist that he would need more time to regain his audience and convince the undecided after a long absence from the country. These predictions were made, in fact, only by a handful of producers. Nyoka Longo has proved that he still has much to offer to the public as a Messiah, who has waited long enough and eagerly. In any case, judging by our correspondents and sources from our colleagues in Kinshasa, the return of Nyoka Longo and Zaiko Langa Langa on the stages of Kinshasa will remain forever in the annals and memories including those who had the privilege of attending these concerts.

Recall of some great times

Friday 17 April at the Grand Hotel, weakened and still recovering, Nyoka Longo held to honor the commitment made to the public and surpasses himself. Good has taught him for he was masterly. As at the Zenith in September 2002, he started with “SOS Maya,” a song that evokes the indestructible part of his band at a time when a producer wanted to sink him. The directory was then mixed with old and new songs: “Eka Lowisa” and “Juventus” from Tony Dee Bokito, “Leki Ya Babi”… The public exploded and nobody wanted to leave the dance floor. The atmosphere was full and the magician Manuaku Waku, Pépé Felly, could not resist the pleasure of  playing the guitar to back upNyoka Longo in a song. As a result, when the band played the song “Videme” singer Adolphe Elonga AKA Adolphe Dominguez would go up the stage for some moves in the dancing part of the song. Breathtaking, he removed his jacket and asked Nyoka Longo to do the same … Guess the rest! On the singing side, Malage de Lugendo and Lola Mwana were  excellent. Also no comment on the MC side, with  Doudou Adoul Monga, a true master of ceremonies and in his best shape. The Gunners did not fail either. At first they seemed to lack confidence in the event because it was the first time they played alongside Nyoka Longo. The latter would quickly boost their confidence by inviting them in front of the stage to sing and dance with him. And over the hours they got used to the atmosphere … Nevertheless, some clear progress need to be made in order to “reach the top”

Saturday, April 18  at Maquis GB, the rain did not prevent the public from going there, people such as Antoine Ghonda, visiting ambassador, André Kimbuta, governor of the city. Zaiko LL repeated his feat of the previous day and Nyoka Longo never showed a visible signs of fatigue. Adolphe Dominguez came, but just a spectator. A different directory than the previous day was a godsend to the public: “Etape”, “Dédé sur mesure” strongly demanded by the public,” Kabobo” for former success,” C’est pour toi”,” Design FM ” “Eruption” from the last album the band “Rencontrs”.

Sunday 19 in Kinkole, the city of fishermen: The show was non stop. There was no free parking area and at 16 hours, the stock of beers sold by a local brewery was exhausted. To close the loop, Nyoka Longo and Zaiko returned in the evening, were another public from the metropolis where showed a total rush. Nobody wanted, for anything in the world, to miss the event of the return of the Vieux Bombas on the stage.

Note that these three days, called “the glorious 3” are only the beginning of a long series of shows in the capital while waiting for the displacement of the group in the interior of the DRC and in Africa. Two more concert dates in Kinshasa are already known: April 30 in Métropole and May 3 at New Place on the 5th street in Limete.