Last year in Glaslow, the long-awaited COP26 climate summit in Glasgow has come to a close, making important progress in a number of areas but not enough as expected from environmentalists. This world still remains of track to beat back the climate crisis especially developing worlds and Africa in particular. AMAGEP estimates that recognizing the urgency of the challenge, ministers from all over the world agreed that countries should come back next year to submit stronger 2030 emissions reduction targets with the aim of closing the gap to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F). leaders of the world also agreed that developed countries should urgently deliver more resources to help climate-vulnerable countries adapt to the dangerous and costly consequences of climate change that they are feeling already, from dwindling crop yields to devastating storms. Beyond the Glasgow Climate Pact, at COP26 countries including The Democratic Republic of Congo also made bold collective commitments to curb methane emissions, to halt and reverse forest loss, align the enhance sector with net-zero by 2050, ditch the internal combustion engine, accelerate the phase-out of coal, and end international enhancing for fossil fuels, to name just a few. Glasgow was a platform for launching innovative sectorial partnerships and new funding to support these, with the aim of reshaping every sector of the economy at the scale necessary to deliver a net-zero future. Despite signicant headway on several fronts, national climate and nancing commitments still fell far short of what is needed to come to grips with the climate challenge. Here’s a summary of where things landed at COP26:
AMAGEP and many climate change activists concerned with the case of Africa and the DR Congo mostly ask themselves if Countries have committed to deep 2030 emissions cuts and agree to a process that could keep the 1.5 Degrees Celcius goal alive. “Not nearly enough” to the rest question, “yes” to the second. By the end of COP26, 151 countries had submitted new climate plans (known as nationally determined contributions, or NDCs) to slash their emissions by 2030. To keep the goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees C within reach, we need to cut global emissions in half by the end of this decade. In contrast, the United Nations calculates that these plans, as they stand, put the world on track for 2.5 degrees C of warming by the end of the century. at is better than the 4 degrees C trajectory the world was on before the Paris Agreement was struck, but still extremely dangerous. In the end, Brazil, Canada and DR Congo signed an agreement to protect forests.
Glasgow decision calls on countries to “revisit and strengthen” their 2030 targets by the end of 2022 to align them with the Paris Agreement’s temperature goals. It also asks all countries that have not yet done so to submit long-term strategies to 2050, aiming for a just transition to net-zero emissions around mid-century. Together, stronger NDCs and long-term strategies should help align the net-zero and 2030 targets, as well as ramping up ambition.
Looking at financial agreements, In 2009, rich nations committed to mobilize $100 billion a year by 2020 and through 2025 to support climate efforts in developing countries including DR Congo. In the Glasgow Climate Pact, it was noted “with deep regret” that developed countries failed to meet that goal in 2020 ( recent OECD estimates show that total climate nance reached $79.6 billion in 2019). e COP26 outcome made it clear that these countries are still on the hook to fulll this goal as soon as possible, and stipulates that those countries must report on their progress. Meanwhile, developed countries also agreed to at least double funding for adaptation by 2025, which would amount to at least $40 billion. is is a significant milestone to address the persisting imbalance between funding for mitigation and adaptation, while needs to adapt to the increasing impacts of the climate crisis continue to grow. e Adaptation Fund reached unprecedented levels of contributions, with new pledges for $356 million that represent almost three times its mobilization target for 2022. e Least Developed Countries Fund, which supports climate change adaptation in the world’s least developed countries, also received a record $413 million in new contributions. The DR Congo got $50 million in funding while South Africa secured around $3 billion. COP26 adopted the Glasgow-Sharm elSheikh work programme for the GGA. is will take place between 2022 and 2024 to help improve assessment of progress toward the adaptation goal and enable its implementation through regular workshops and work on methodologies to assess progress. COP26 also took steps to help developing countries access good quality programs for forests protection. For example, encouraging multilateral institutions to further consider the links between climate vulnerabilities and the need for concessional resources for developing countries such as securing grants rather than loans to avoid increasing their debt burden.
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