Mr Mukanya bikosa Paul in other words Black JEW was born on October1, 1968 in Mbuji-Mayi. It is the result of the union between Mr. Ntambwa Joseph and Muanji Emérence. He is from the Luba tribe like President Felix Antoine Tshisekedi. He shares the UDPS’ positive vision for good governance. Black Jew has a degree in commercial sciences and in his profession he is a supervisor at Lufthansa (Aviation) with 22 years of career already in Germany. Mukanya is married and has 4 children. He has been living in Germany for 32 years. He enlisted as a politician, the initiator and President of the non-profit organization: LE CONGO AUX CONGOLAIS (LCC). His vision is that we Congolese are masters of our destiny.
It is an invitation that the non-profit organization Congo to the Congolese to all Congolese compatriots in the diaspora so that together we give ourselves the means to allow the reconstruction of our dear and beautiful country the DRC. Is it not said that the mastery of one’s destiny refers to the notions of freedom, autonomy, and independence, especially the intellectual, economic and political levels?
Mukanya calls the daughters and sons of the Congo because the time for change has finally arrived to lead influences to block the way to the dark partisans who for lack of vision have chosen to shine by their tribalism spirit through speeches based on the hotel of division. For Mukanya, the mission of the LCC is mainly based on a collective awareness of all Congolese regardless of where he resides, of his political or religious affiliation to join this unifying movement that offers a framework for exchanges and reflections for the revival of the development of our motherland. This is done with the aim that will allow the LCC in its approach, its commitment and in its unifying associative role is convinced that we diaspora are an added value to the development project and the emergence of our country; so we must no longer see ourselves only as a source of funding but as a potential partner in the reconstruction of our country.
Together we are stronger. For the Congolese, to be a citizen is to be aware that you are a subject of rights to life, liberty, property, equality, in short, civil, political and social rights. But that’s one side of the coin. Citizenship also presupposes duties. The citizen must be aware of his responsibilities as an integral part of a vast and complex organism, which is the community, the nation, the State, to the proper functioning of which everyone must contribute at his part. This is the only way to achieve the ultimate and collective goal: justice in its broadest sense, that is, the common good.

The history of the Democratic Republic of the Congo shows that citizenship represents a stage of human development and the result of the evolution of men’s cultural habits. When examining the Congolese statutes, it is possible to observe only one side of this evolution, or involution, since the Law, as a cultural object located in time and space, must express the values shared by the social body, that is, at least in theory, the laws must represent the will of the collective consciousness.
Therefore, it starts from a perspective of analysis of historical factors, through the reading and interpretation of Congolese constitutional texts, in order to understand the problem that arises today, which is: how to build citizenship by going out of the formal prism of constitutional guarantees, moving on to the effectiveness of the exercise of critical and reflective citizenship.
With the advent of the rule of law a Felix Tshisekedi, there is an objective demand for an honest, transparent and democratic public administration, where the citizen would feel free in fact. Although for many the existence or possibility of a universal and absolute ethical system is unacceptable, the values of democracy and citizenship are well rooted in Western societies, although often formally.
Finally, seeing the poor quality of national education as the main problem facing Congolese society may seem very obvious, but it is not always possible to identify it, let alone understand it. It is stressed that it is urgent to build the identity of the Congolese citizen, through an education aimed at social transformation, for the improvement of a collective consciousness. Only then will we have citizenship also by supporting the actions of President Tshisekedi. Mr. Mukanya understands that underdevelopment is illustrated as the vicious circle of poverty in Congo. The individual characteristics of developing countries are chained in a chain of causes and effects. It becomes clear that the different symptoms of poverty are interdependent from Mbuji-Mayi, Kananga and other parts of the country. Depending on where you start, a spiral begins, a cycle that keeps coming back to the heart, to poverty as a set of problems. The previous regime did nothing to solve this problem, but FATSHI and UDPS are working on it.

The non-profit organization ‘Le Congo aux Congolais’ gives itself the duty to fight the following scourges in Congolese society: Farm structures, lack of jobs and low incomes, insufficient education, lack of food and malnutrition, poor health and diseases (e.g. AIDS infection), low productivity especially in agriculture, lack of resources such as soil and water, environmental degradation, high population growth, armed conflict.
The BLACK JEW believes that individuals often face such helpless situations. However, if you focus your attention only on these vicious circles, you run the risk of not seeing a way out and no longer questioning the decisive causes of this fateful chain. Seeking them in turn only in developing countries themselves does not take into account historical and social reasons. In Congo, families are forced to abandon traditional, resource-efficient farming methods due to limited or restricted land use rights and reduced agricultural area due to inheritance law or the loss of workers. For example, fallow periods are shortened, unproductive land is used, and animal manure is no longer used as fertilizer because it is urgently needed as fuel. Exceeding the limits set for natural production such as climate, soil quality or land shape leads to long-term damage to the soil or vegetation (animal consumption, use of firewood). This results in a loss of production and income. This in turn means that natural resources are used more intensively. A vicious circle begins, which is characterized by negative ecological and social symptoms.
Mukanya calls on all Congolese to support his initiative and join President Felix Tshisekedi Tshilombo.
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