The territory of Songololo has often been forgotten in several areas of development for several years, due to a lack of men capable of defending its inhabitants. More than one observer believes that the situation in the Songololo territory deserves to be changed positively, so that the daughters and sons of this territory benefit from the development projects which will also be their implications.On the eve of the elections scheduled for December 2023, Jean-Edmond Makaya Mambongo, worthy son of the Democratic Republic of Congo, wants to carry the voice of the Songololo territory and take up the challenge.
This multidimensional man, driven by unfailing motivation for the general interest, was at the basis of several achievements in the territory of Songololo…He is Co-founder of the Bamboma civil society (SOCIBAM), one of the major actors in the resolution of conflicts of all kinds between villagers and the political-administrative authorities, the case of the villages of Ndemba, Mbanza-Nkazi, Ntombo, Kiesa Kia Yenga and others. Several and other achievements are also to be put in the assets of this worthy son of the territory of Songololo, in particular the construction of school buildings in sustainable materials, with local effort in Mbanza-Nsanda (Kasi) and Nsonsa-Mpangu, – Establishment of an Open University /CIDEP in Nsonsa-Mpangu, project design and search for funding for the construction of a footbridge (pedestrian bridge) over the Lunionzo River dependent on the hospital and schools of the Nsonsa-Mpangu Mission in the villages of the right bank (Bamboma and Luima sectors) to name only these initiatives.
In addition, the people of Songololo affectionately call him “the man of concrete actions”.At these times and for the future, the population of Songolo is called upon to trust their own, as the elections approach which are already on the horizon.

Below we offer you a portrait of the man with concrete actions, the opportunity for you to know more about his achievements & implications, and you will understand how Mr. Jean-Edmond Makaya Maqui, has always been available for his territory of Songololo located in the province of Kongo Central. To the very dear compatriots of Songololo, understand that it is time to trust the true roots of your territory, those who have been and will always remain faithful to defend and contribute to the development of your entity.
Jean-Edmond Makaya Mambongo Kamalandua, candidate for the elections scheduled for December 2023, is one of the major architects in the development of the Songololo territory for a long time. In this article, we reveal its origins, its achievements including its ambitions.
His origins :
Born in Matadi, Jean-Edmond Makaya Mambongo comes from the Mbanza-Nkazi village of the Nkazi clan in Kongo in the group which bears the same name, territory of Songololo in Kongo Central. He holds a degree in Applied Pedagogy, History Option from the Higher Pedagogical Institute of Mbanza-Ngungu, with distinction in the 2009-2010 academic year. Holder of a Doctorate in Cultural History, at the National Pedagogical University of Kinshasa (UPN).
His professional career
Jean-Edmond Makaya Mambongo Kamalandua, was a teacher in the orientation cycle at the Nsona-Mpangu Institute, operations director and head of the planning department at the Zairian Plastic Company “SOZAPLAST” in Kinshasa, Marketing Director at the sweet cake /Kinshasa, Secretary General and Co-founder of the Kongo Civilization Research Center (CECIKO) in Mbanza Kongo (Angola), Director of Studies at the CBCO Kenge/Palabala Institute, Prefect of Studies at the Reverend Bifuanga/Wombo Institute and at the Nsona-Mpangu/Bamboma institute, Vice-president of the Bamboma Student Mutual Association (MEBA) in Kinshasa, Co-founder of the political platform called (MIKA) in Kinshasa, Coordinator of the Association for the Development of ‘Axis Songololo-Ntandu to Nzadi (ADASON), Vice-president of the committee of heads of establishment of the Baptist Community of Congo/Cataractes-Océan (CCECO). Currently Head of Works and section of the Central Library of the Higher Pedagogical Institute of Mbanza-Ngungu, Head of Works at the University Institute of Studies and Training in Development (IUEFD) and the ISP Sona Bata.
Jean-Edmond Makaya Mambongo, is the major Craftsman in the construction of school buildings in sustainable materials with local effort in Mbanza-Nsanda(KASI) and Nsona-Mpangu, He initiated the distribution of subject prediction books through primary schools in the Songololo sub-division, The Author of the establishment of CIDEP University in Nsonsa-Mpangu, and Co-founder of the Royal Kongo Museum in Mbanza Kongo (Angola), … We recognize his intervention with SECOPE Kinshasa, for the mechanization of several schools and teachers, long abandoned to their sad fate, … To name just a few.

His ambitions
The national deputy candidate Jean-Edmond Makaya Mambongo Kamalandua, brings hope for the daughters and sons of the Songololo territory.
His involvement in the creation of several works as a simple citizen is the perfect illustration of this. It intends to support the efforts of the central and provincial government, moving towards improving the well-being of the population of the Songololo territory in particular, and of the DR Congo in general.
Once elected, Jean-Edmond Makaya Mambongo Kamalandua, promises to fight tooth and nail to fight against abuses of all kinds perpetrated by administrative, judicial, police and military authorities. Added to this is the strategic location on the border of Lufu with Angola and its opening to the world with the port of Matadi, as well as health (situation of hospitals), education and development of this entity.

To conclude, we dare to believe that trusting the National Deputy Candidate Jean-Edmond Makaya Mambongo Kamalandua means wanting the development of the Songololo territory.
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