March 9, 2025


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Kinshasa Bopeto Project

The Kinshasa Bopeto project is a community project aimed at cleaning up the city of Kinshasa in order to educate and make the community aware of the usefulness of preserving the clean environment and contributing to its maintenance in order to fight against diseases such as malaria, typhoid fever, etc. And this will be led by the non-governmental organization “CONGO HEART OF AFRICA” , collaboration with the local authority and other partners .
In order to materialize this project in an effective way, a major education campaign will be carried out to schools, the community and other institutions.
Since this project is a start, the organization has chosen the Suburb of Bandalungwa as a pilot commune because of its strategic position in the city of Kinshasa.


The Democratic Republic of Congo has had relative stability over the past ten years. And it is ready to reap the economic fruits of peace, democracy, natural resources and it occupies a strategic position in the African continent.
The DRC is potentially among the richest countries in Africa because of its business opportunities. Nonetheless , the story of degraded infrastructure, poverty and generally unused potential. Recent economic reform and peace have opened up great investment opportunities in DRC.

Kinshasa (formerly called Leopoldville or Leopoldstad) is the capital of the DRC. Once a fishing village, it is now an energy city with a population of around 10 million. Some estimates even give a population of around 11 million. It is the largest in the whole continent after Lagos and Cairo, and the largest French-speaking city after Paris.

The lack of an appropriate public health management system contributes significantly to a very high level of illness and death in Kinshasa. Drainage and waterways are frequently blocked by waste. This creates serious problems during the rainy seasons (8 months), and an estimated 100-150 people die in the city whenever possible.

The number of people killed daily by chemical or bacterial contamination of water is virtually unknown. But it is possible that this is a higher number than the number killed by the flood.

The people of Kinshasa are enthusiastic. And we believe that, through well organized and motivated action by CONGO HEART OF AFRICA through an educational campaign on the environment, street cleaning, drainage maintenance as well as waste collection, we believe this will make a difference. and add value with the aim of improving the standard of living of the people.