On Tuesday 16 December 2014, a large-scale event took place within the family of the children of God in Johannesburg: a Christian mega-concert titled “Grace Celebration 2014”. This exceptional concert was held under the inspiration of the psalmist, who sang: “The Lord did great things for us; how happy we were!” (Psalms 126:3). It is ‘triumphal’ because it was a huge success for God’s people in their struggle against the devil’s forces, and it is a celebration of good deeds that the faithful have benefited from the Lord. Thus Brother Vicky Ndunga, CEO of Grace D. World Business Agency and the event organiser, rightly put it: “God has done great things in our lives, particularly the growth of Grace D. World Business Agency’s business. That’s why we resolved to exalt His name for what he did and for what He hasn’t done but He’s planning to achieve for us”. The triumph of the mega-concert can be grasped in three dimensions:
1. It is The Fruit of Businesses Oriented to God’s Ministry
As above indicated, the mega-concert was organised by Brother Vicky Ndunga, CEO of Grace D. World Business Agency. When businessmen and women commit themselves to funding God’s work, victory and decisive breakthrough are certain in the camp of the Church of Jesus Christ: breakthrough in all sectors of lives of communities and nations (political, economic, legal, social, cultural and artistic). A breakthrough that makes the Body of Christ the salt of the earth (giving the flavour of life to humankind) and the light of the world (setting the humankind free from the darkness of sin, ignorance and death). Brother Vicky Ndunga, through this achievement, has proved that he is a pillar of the Church of Jesus Christ in the footsteps of Apostle Paul, who was also a businessman and encouraged the faithful to work and prosper in all initiatives for the good of the saints.
2. It was a Rally of the Faithful from Various Assemblies
This rally can be read first at the level of the bands that performed: Grace Celebration Band of the Living Word Assembly (sponsored by CEO Vicky Ndunga), ZAMAR band of Yaweh Shammah Assembly, Heirs of Promises Band of the Heirs of Promises Sanctuary; Pastor Sebastian Muanza and G.C. Band, Mama Deo Chibangu and the Rod of Faith Band of Yahweh Shammah Assembly/Pretoria, and Brothers Francis Kalala and Prisca and the Wola Band. Second, as far as God’s people is concerned, this rally brought together from all the corners of the Gauteng Province.
This rally is a sign of the unity of the Church Body of Christ, which is essential for the Church to succeed in transforming the world to the glory of God the Father. It has observed the will of Jesus, who prayed His Father, saying: “I pray not only for them [the Apostles], but also for those who believe in me because of their message. I pray that they may all be one. Father! May they be in us, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they be one, so that the world will believe that you sent” (John 17:20-21).
3. It is a Sign of the Church as the Spearhead of the Struggle against Social ills
This mega-concert is an interpellation for the Church, that she communicate overabundant life to each child of God and to the heathens by catering for their spiritual, psychic, and material needs, just as did her Head Jesus Christ (Luke 9:10-17) and the early Christian community of Jerusalem (Acts 4:32-37). Therefore, our prayers and actions ought to be directed toward the reproduction of several Vicky Ndunga—businessmen and women who contribute to providing for the needy within the Christian Assembly and in the world—so as to propel entrepreneurs in all economic sectors and, hence, to create jobs for the saints and to eradicate poverty, unemployment, youth delinquency, ignorance, suicide, divorce, and the like. Thus only in that way the Devil’s forces shall not prevail over the Church of Jesus Christ, and the latter shall give birth to a new world, where Love and Truth meet, and where Righteousness and Peace embrace each other, in the name of Jesus.
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