A popular Zimbabwean musician Energy Mutodi, who also doubles as a businessman, has showered praises on Zimbabwean First Lady Grace Mugabe at a time the opposition Movement for Democratic Change/Tsangiraï (MDC/T) and some ZANU PF big guns, including the country’s Vice President, are criticizing her.
Grace Mugabe, who recently attained a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Zimbabwe under controversial circumstances, has been the talk of the Southern African nation in the recent months after she labelled Mugabe’s Vice President Joice Mujuru an inept and corrupt individual responsible for fanning factionalism in the ruling ZANU PF party.
In his latest album titled, “Ndiri Munzira Kuuya”, a four track masterpiece which carries songs ‘Chizivano’, ‘Ndiri Munzira Kuuya’, ‘Marehwarehwa’ and ‘Varaidzo’, the musician praises the First Lady on her philanthropic works which he said has helped the underprivileged and the helpless to survive. Although the musician does not call Grace Mugabe by name, it is the precision with which he has articulated the motherly role being played by the First Lady at her Mazowe Children’s Homes and Danhiko College for the Disabled that has left many guessing the same way.
The guess was however put to a rest when the State controlled Herald newspaper broke the news that indeed the musician had the First Lady in mind when he composed the first song “Chizivano” on the album. The musician is quoted in the newspaper elaborating about the song, saying that it presupposes a situation where the political scene is plagued with godfathers and godmothers who practice factionalism; favoring their known confidants and leaving out brilliant and potential players. He says that under such situation, the unknowns suffer political isolation and marginalization; hence the need for someone like Grace to come to their rescue. The musician further says that if Grace managed to take care of the underprivileged such as orphans, widows, old aged and the handicapped, she can also extend her generosity to the political orphans in the popular ZANU PF party especially now that she has been nominated to lead a powerful Women’s League arm of the ruling party.
ZANU PF is currently divided on regional and tribal lines, with one faction being led by Vice President Joice Mujuru, who comes from the Northern Zezuru region, and the other by Justice Minister Emerson Mnangagwa from the Southern Karanga and Ndebele tribes. Political analysts in the country generally agree that while the ongoing dogfights in the ruling party emanate from Mugabe’s failure to anoint a successor, Grace is the new kingmaker and could influence her husband to nominate her own choice for a successor at this year’s December Congress.
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