March 9, 2025


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UN Security Council Unanimous on DRC Resolution

                                                       Security Council at the United Nations in New York

This is the first ever in Africa! Never has the world experienced such a surge of advocacies aimed at obtaining a consensus within the United Nations Security Council. Also, it is a first that empathy, compassion and pity that the world felt towards Rwanda in relation to the pseudo genocide, are not taken into account when examining DRC case. Still, Kagame uses such a fabricated genocide as a bargaining toy. The murderous behaviour by the Rwandan army since the capture of Bunangana almost 3 years ago until the final assault on Goma and its entry without a fight into Bukavu, met the determination by the President of the Republic Fatshi Béton, his valiant Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Francophonie, as well as the weight put in by the DRC permanent mission in New York. Hemicycles and makeshift high tribunes did not deter them from stopping their momentum to defend DRC against its aggression by Kagame and RDF. Mrs Thérèse Wagner Kayikwamba is a true “Amazon” like ladies who ensured the royal guard in Dahomey yesteryear. Statement of reasons after statement, speeches, and morality talks, as well as a prompt media presence, Kayikwamba was ever able to tip the balance at the United Nations Security Council on behalf of the Congolese nation. The VPM of Foreign Affairs retraced the history of Rwanda’s murderous wickedness for 30 years that left international community in total disbelief until this very day. The latter has not embraced the cause with immediate attention since repeated aggressions by M23 and AFC supported by the Rwandan RDF had not reached this level of cruelty. The diplomacy of another level deployed by this Congolese executive tandem (President Fatshi and Kayikwamba) and the permanent mission against the emotional feelings of their own people, has finally paid off. After the European Union Parliament voted in favour of sanctions against Rwanda, the Commission had to define the context of sanctions to be applied. It came up against the categorical France refusal, which continues to protect its protectorate in the “Francownwealth”. A single negative French vote had paralyzed everything and  decisions on sanctions against Rwanda could not be taken. At this European level, decisions are taken unanimously and not by a majority of members. The 26 of the EU having voted in the affirmative, France did the opposite. In this imbroglio, Belgium did not want to let it go, it moved up a gear by announcing the cancellation of its financial aid to Rwanda. Shamelessly, Rwanda stepped up on 18 February 2025 to declare that it was giving up aid from Belgium. The power shift is so clear that it is unequal; Rwandans need Belgium more than the Belgians need Rwanda. The Belgian Kingdom is the former colonial power of Rwanda and the DRC, the two countries in conflict. Kagame, through his Minister of Foreign Affairs Olivier Nduhungirehe, accuses the Belgiian Minister of Foreign Affairs Maxime Prévot of “having led an aggressive campaign in support of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and of politicizing development aid. By supporting the DRC, Belgium is perceived as taking sides in the conflict. A situation deemed unacceptable by Rwanda, which considers that this policy of applying pressure could harm funding for development”

Germany, for its part, had already spoken out, through their Minister of Development, in favour of the DRC, that they are cancelling “the government consultations planned for February with Rwanda on development aid” after the latter had violated the DRC territorial integrity. Berlin demanded that Kigali immediately withdraw M23 and its army from the East of DRC in order to resume discussions. This is the first consequence of DRC aggression RDF and their M23 and AFC auxiliaries.

                                                                     European Union Headquarters in Brussels

A major supporter of Rwanda, the USA did not let Belgium get away with its determination to administer punitive measures on Rwanda. They too, were determined to do the same as the Belgians by imposing targeted sanctions against Rwandan and M23 leaders. The US Treasury also set the tone by hitting the wallets of James Kabarebe and Lawrence Kanyuka, both of whom play a leading role in the establishment and progression in the East of the DRC of the M23 which benefits from Rwandan support. James Kabarebe is a Rwandan Minister of Regional Cooperation and former RDC Chief of Staff when Luarent Desire Kabila the entry was effective. Kaberebe returned to Kigali and was appointed Chief of Staff and Minister of Defense. Not only is he had initiated the political RCD who started war on August 2, 1998 against DRC, he is very influential. Several reports have indicated that James Kaberebe is involved in the illegal exploitation of mineral resources in DRC eastern part. As for M23 spokesperson, Lawrence Kanyuka, he is also the spokesperson for the new AFC. His active participation in the destabilizing whiffs in DRC has now earned him assets freezing and the ban on his companies from doing business of a certain category. Kanyuka owns two companies, one based in London and the other in Paris. The US State Department justified sanctions taken by the US Treasury in relation to thousands of civilian deaths and forced displacement of populations. The fear of a regional conflict expansion pushed the USA to launch the first series of sanctions to stop the madness about conquering new cities.

Kagame and Rwanda hardly expected such a rapid reaction from their former master, USA. The Democrats left with Joe Biden, the Republicans of Trump could not be dragged through the mud by the Kagame regime. The Rwandan authorities rejected the objectivity of reports produced by United Nations expert groups, each time Kagame boys were asked to leave the territories they have occupied in the DRC for more than 30 years.

Armed with the assistance of Belgium, the DRC undertook an effectively muscular lobbying with universal decision-makers. Many had predicted the rout of Congolese diplomacy. Here she is, having garnered convincing results that will allow the recovery of the Congolese nation.

Resolution 2773

On February 21, 2025, the Security Council five permanent members, namely the USA, Great Britain, France, China and Russia and 10 other members sitting on the Council for two years, have unanimously condemned the offensive by RDF with its M23 and AFC proxies. They are Algeria, Denmark, Greece, Guyana, Pakistan, Panama, the Republic of Korea, Sierra Leone, Slovenia and Somalia. Their combined efforts have resulted in the adoption of Resolution 2773; such unanimity has demonstrated that the question of world peace is a dogma. The contribution by the A3 +1 (Algeria, Sierra Leone and Somalia) was decisive; without such a contribution the resolution could not have been adopted by consensus. All members of the Council went in the direction that their duty to ensure security and peace in the world are established. France’s reluctance was destroyed by strong arguments of a bold lobbying campaign carried out by certain members of the Council in favour of DRC. Faced with this hurricane of positive votes in cascade, France had no choice but to join other members. It was France that was responsible for drafting the resolution which the Congolese are proud of.

The Resolution demands the immediate withdrawal of M23 and AFC supported by the Rwandan army from all occupied cities and provinces immediately. The text demands the cessation of hostilities and calls on all parties to observe a ceasefire. This Resolution 2773 (2025) by the Security Council decided that Goma and Bukavu and all controlled areas be freed. Total dismantling of illegitimate parallel administrations set up on DRC soil must also follow. It calls on the Rwandan Defense Force to cease its support to M23 and withdraw with immediate effects from DRC, without preconditions. The Council calls on the regional organizations SADC and AEC to deploy efforts to stop hostilities. It has asked them to collaborate with MONUSCO regarding the implementation of the ceasefire. Talks between the DRC and Rwanda should continue in accordance with the established plan; the Council demands the eradication of the destabilizing forces – FDLR in this Great Lakes region.

The Rwandan delegation at the Council had taken up its usual chorus that DRC “must be held responsible for having supported the FDLR and made this genocidal militia an ally of its own forces”. They subsequently enriched their assumptions that “the legitimate grievances by Kinyarwanda speaking Congolese must be taken into account because they are the root cause of M23 existence”.  On a satisfactory note, the Rwandan delegation adamantly admitted that Rwanda has reaffirmed its commitment to the Luanda and Nairobi processes.

Here the time has come to challenge the collective conscience in DRC; it is deplorable that Congolese have engaged in the vandalizing embassies and other diplomatic representations in Kinshasa, presumably because the countries represented are in cahoots with Rwanda. The adoption of Resolution 2773 is sufficient proof that it was foreigners who fought the battle for the Congolese cause and not the other way around; the same foreigners who were yesterday victimised in anti-Western demonstrations. Congolese people are best in shenanigans such as corruption, treason, hatred, clanism or tribalism. They never thought about their own future, letting others do it for them. The cathedral silence observed in the political class, especially in the Sacred Union, would foreshadow the struggle for repositioning. Some began to plug the gaps by dissociating themselves from the current regime to become “allies” of the new powers embodied by Nangaa when he takes power as DRC president. Others, on the other hand, sold their rights to become members of AFC and M23. DRC army poor organization in battles was a national catastrophe, heads of regiments and battalions fled to secured locations, abandoning troops to their own fate. Army generals, most of whom were appointed out of complacency, failed in their mission to secure the country and defend the people. They shone with a notoriously detestable incompetence; their number in an aging army does not at all corroborate with the degree of bravery that is supposedly found therein. Patriotism and national unity are nothing but narratives devoid of nuance. Shame on you!