All hell’s breaking loose! A Pronunciamiento! Lamuka-Ensemble lady-member of Parliament has caused uproar through her blatant ignorance about settlements identity in the DRC; pitiful display by the lady member of parliament, showcasing her limited awareness, together with a lack of shrewdness shown by keen insight, acumen and astuteness on settlements identity strains in the DRC. It is about the intellectual idleness that a woman, parliament member above all, voicing shenanigans directed to Kasai people for invading Katanga presumably. Her pursuance struck at straws in applying that the very Kasai people, whom she holds responsible for not having built in their province of origin, are troubling the peace that Katangese do enjoy. In the light of this analysis, it is proving difficult to close the gaping gap between rationale and imbecility, which arises from people who have no quantifiable weighing in the current Congolese political sphere. Communities culinary and eating habits are their choice to make. Treacherously this woman does judge communities and populations’ serenity or intelligence based solely on their eating and taste habits. Eating issues and taste cannot be discussed as long as they emanate from the communities societal customs and rites that Congolese people have all inherited. The Luba who enjoys his dog meat is not a sub-human, just as the Chinese drools over a saucy snake meat or someone from Equateur who enjoys snails and cat meat, or another one from Bandundu with his rat meat, snakes and mikungu vegetables. What about a Frenchman who enjoys his frog’s leg deliciously, together with uncooked oysters and mussels, or even a West African with his agouti in a palm oil cooked sauce? For this woman, considering customary habits as degrading bears testimony to a certain degree of brain functionality failure, fortunately the Mwanda Semi ward at the psychiatrist hospital -CNPP for the mentally deranged patients is still vacant.
Yes, this dog-eating Kasaien is a fearsome warrior; robust as a robot, intelligent like an elephant and self-proclaimed authority wherever he decides to settle, even nomadic sometimes. This woman will find Luba vestiges in every nook and cranny of the Republic. The dryness of historical knowledge haloed by puny dwarf intelligence by this pseudo member of parliament, testifies to her grandiloquent capacity to exercise politics through hatred since the change of regime. It ought to be brought to her knowledge that the Katangese she pretends to defend is an idler complexed by his nonchalance and his softness; he never brought about a stone for the construction of Katanga, her fortuitous home. Luba, Equateur, Bakongo and Rwanda labour were brought in by the Belgians to erect a new place today called Katanga; they are true Katanga builders, amidst her effortless endeavours pertaining thereof and discredit such a truth. However, according to the great Congolese historian, Prof Ndaywel, the woman tribe would be located somewhere in Tanzania. The Belgian colonist had ever, never, chosen a Katangese that he conclusively said to be unnecessarily mean, unfaithful, untrusting, lazy, thoughtless, puppet and traitor. The sequel proved the Democratic Republic of Congo right with the assassination of Lumumba in Katanga, when all the other provinces refused to receive the “parcel”, the name given to the father of independence before his disappearance by the death squadron, under the instigating and dumbfounded gaze by the woman’s father, then Katangese Minister of the Interior and her President Tshombe. The fear of treachery is a scourge with serious consequences. And this led to the collapse and the death of her father during the holding the National Sovereign Conference in early ‘90s. History is stubborn and it would forever be new every time it is told again and again. It is hard for one to lie to one’s own conscience!
I would abstain from making his accidental publicity by quoting her name expresso verbis, as if it were about one’s dealing with the spoils of war; I leave this prerogative to My Luba Brother Mike Mukebayi to brand her with confidence, as long as the “mashi a mu menu – blood from bleeding gums” is a major tribality factor according to the Luba member of provincial parliament. Do you praise this woman’s words? Why do your mouth remain shut Mike? Do you realize very quickly that you have been overtaken by the veracity of a truthful and historical truth, that other populations will never, year after year, darling with the Luba. Even Francis Kalombo wouldn’t dare contradicting me; his pusillanimity at Kamitatu’s words, which added to those of the woman, is a monstrosity as inimitable as the birthing of the Giza pyramid.
Luba people have become a savoury bait with succulent taste virtues to fuel the hatred against the very tribe, even some lubas lend a hand in helping luba’s enemies in their campaign to destroy their own. This Homo Homini Lupus is a viral outbreak that plagues the living together attitude amongst Lubas. Yet the very Lubas spread brainstorming signals for living in a togetherness harmony with tolerance, without resentment or holding of any grudges. This luba is the only layer of settlers that does not sleep with the enemy. The detention of Jackie Ndala or the custody holding of “Fantomas” François Beya has in no way resulted in claims by small Luba groups under the banners: Free Jackie Ndala, Free François Beya as farmers of the hatred against the luba, who populate my Republic would do. In the Mokia-Ngoyi Kasanji affair, the Lubas took up side in favour of Mokia to the detriment of their own Luba brother. Engineer Kabasele, because of his Kasaianness, was dispossessed of his mining quarries in Mbola by the so-called landowners, with no one rescuing and defending him, as in the case of the lubas for Mokia. Today, Kabasele lies in a tomb, unaware of its beautifulness, between Heaven and Earth on the Boulevard leading up to Nsele, in Necropolis Cemetery, for having been stripped of his life time investments. It should be noted that the luba does preach by example therefrom. An offense shall remain as such, regardless of the proximity of a regional, tribal and ethnic, or even religious acquaintance. Each human being shall stand alone and by himself, and held accountable.
The absurd tangle of events maintained by this woman only translates into statements that are taken to be the waste of human thought. When Gécamines and SNCC began to struggle financially before the Marshal left, MIBA, which was purposefully destroyed to impoverish the Lubas and make them pilgrims, flew several times to the rescue of these two large state-owned companies, even lending them the Falcon brand private jet, which MIBA owned at the time. The former CEO of Miba, Mr Mukamba Kadiata Nzemba is alive, not far from the Ngaliema Clinic in Gombe in Kinshasa, and ready to confirm the authenticity of these announcements. The MIBA, on its own, was the dairy cow of the Rwandan-Burundian-Ugandan war of 1998. Since, for the Belgian, the Luba is so smart that he presents an immediate danger of feudalization towards all the other ethnico- clans in DRC. Luba’s power and his authoritarian art of uniting communities and settling there are worrisome features to more than one. It took a Luba to be President of the Republic to realize the hateful nature by the other tribes and clans in the DRC; kosana ko kufa…. (sometimes people make others look bad. It is only so as not to feel guilty for the bad things that they have done to them), this is the fate of Lubas in the DRC.
The manifestation of hatred towards Lubas was displayed by another woman whom Kamitatu described as a great journalist from Bandundu. This lady, so called journalist wanted the President to carry out his wish to go to the East at the risk of his life. But she never used the same medium to change her speech as this man she wanted to immolate at all costs, fulfilled his wish. Citing by name the province of origin of the lady, still Kamitatu continues to take it easy. I imagine the hullabaloo that could have been spurned should these words be spewed by Fatshi. It is astonishingly bizarre, even absurd and belittling that a former President of the Parliament Lower House, second state highest personality of the country, at the time, after the President of the Republic, has been demoted to carrying bags and briefcase belonging to his boss in Ensemble. Being a porter is something that a Luba, as proud as he known by, by his personality, would not do. This is the whole difference that brings about all these nauseous feelings towards them (lubas).
The fratricidal war hatched by the settler in 1960 to separate the Luba people had resulted in the immigration of the Luba Lubilanji towards Mbuji-Mayi, which did not yet exist as a habitable city, apart from being the Belgian land fiefdom containing diamond ore deposits. As hatred annihilates reasoning and stunts intelligences, the woman in question never tried to extirpate the truth that the Lubas, of all the populations in the DRC, are the only ones to have built their city, using their own funds, and without state aid; a state that was against the development of the province but whose diamond built Kawele, and the Crypt Mary Mercy church in Equator. Mbuji-Mayi has remained in its artisanal state, built with the means available and in haste by its sons and daughters. Investing there or undertaking a commercial activity in Mbuji-Mayi was prohibited, I firmly confirm it because my father-in-law held a funeral parlour in Mbuji-Mayi. He was refused fuel for his the palour vehicles either leaving from Kinshasa by plane or Lubumbashi by rail. In fine, he had put the key under the doormat. However, all the Lubas in Grand Kasai are the descendants of Kumwimba, the eldest son of Ilunga Mbidi. During the migratory movements, transhumance wanted some to settle along Lubilanji, therefore the Lubas Lubilanji; the others along the Lulua river (which I know personally and too well for having fished there during my good life in the village), so the luluas.
It is a completely crippling fact to note the laziness on statements rations by this woman. The worst of it all is that it is about useless hubbub and uproar that the Lubas must go home. The stronghold of the Lubas is in Katanga, at Nsanga Lubangu towards Upemba. Not only are the Lubas true Congolese nationalists, which justifies their location in the center of the Republic, despite the tribalist desires of provincial overlap to divide them like the Belgian in 1960, their origins are in Katanga, no offense to the ignorance of the bearer of the tribalist motion wanted by the Ensemble executives. The mediocre – Get out.
This would bring humiliation on the national Member of Parliament, the lubas who were killed in Lubumbashi after having taken refuge in a police station, to whom the Congolese national police refused to provide aid and assistance during the lynching in which the same police officers from the community took part, have taken full measure of the manhunt of which they are victims. There is nothing worse than silent waters; a Luba-style vendetta, when they least expect it, will lead to raids, “tsunami” miasmas and slumps. Y en a marre is not only a citizen movement, it is the end result of so much torture, ignominy and stunting suffered by lubas over time. There is never a miracle. A laborious tribalist campaign marked by serial hiccups cannot be turned into a triumph. There are many disagreements and half-hearted prospects in a starving struggle to get rid of this sulphurous tribal treachery.
A member of parliament is distinguishable by his capacity for reflection to legislate well, the hearty search of perspectives that dive into a weighting for innovation in order to access versatility. Tribal remarks pompousness to take advantage of certain achievements, and to be spotted for appointments, is a rudeness that ends in the way of the cross. It will be a single watchword for the country to be in a dead end. Memories are still fresh as for the non-use of the new 5 million Zaire note advocated by the Sphinx of Limete, in the Grand Kasaï area, in the early 1990s, are still alive in the memory of the Congolese people. This time the nkuba (thunderbolt and heavy lightning), nteta (forms of cancer) and kansonda (heavy and brutal heart attacks) will be the lethal weaponry in accordance with the customary use of weapons as LUBAS do know best.
A Word To The Wise!
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