Since the year 2000, the “Heirs of Promises Sanctuary” Church has established itself in Johannesburg, South Africa under the leadership of the Apostle Gabriel Veyi. Arriving in Mzansi at the beginning of the 90’s, the Man of God accompanied by his wife, Pastor Lydia Veyi led the French sevice at Tabernacle Church in Berea under the governance of Pastor Gaven.
During that period of time, the Apostle was sharpening his tools with a biblical church course at the Rhema theological studies in the same Church, as we all know, he comes from a French speaking background.
The beginning of the new millennium was the perfect timing for the explosion of the bombshell; under the hat called AFM of SA, Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa, the “Heirs of Promises Sanctuary” lay down its foundations and structures but as tenant. It implants at 3 Sherborne corner Jan Smuts Avenue in Parktown; physical address it will keep for eleven long years.
Nevertheless and not being discouraged, the Apostle, the Church’s visionary often repeat himself with this analysis: “the growth of our church stopped at the second year of our existence. The DNA of my vision is the one of big trees not small ones; to get our own church will help us spread and fly higher. Through it, we will discover our real DNA, the one of a big and great church.” From that statement came out the idea of “the SHP building Project”.
Today, it is no more a dream, reality has become tangible. On Sunday 06 November 2011, all Heirs had gathered for the first time of their history in a Sunday service at 9h30’at their own premises under the following address: 53, 5th Avenue, between 3rd and 2nd Street in Bezuidenout Valley, Johannesburg – South Africa.
Joyous atmosphere, glamorous celebration, the 1st service at BZ SANCTUARY started with a warm and touching word from the Mother of the Heirs, Pastor Lydia Veyi and I quote: “Our joy on the D-day is comparable to the fest of someone who just took possession of a territory promised by the Lord, himself”. Afterwards intense prayers took possession of the place with the Church claiming the Bez Valley territory on the lord’s side as it was also done in Parktown. The microphone was finally passed to the Father of the Church for his word of the day.
A speech based on forgiveness and thanks giving; first to all the entire community for all the efforts and sacrifices in all aspects, then to the Church’s leadership for the commitment and unconditional loyalty and support through that long journey. But an important reminder was also underlined during the word: “the work is far from over and the support of each and every one is very important for a complete success.” Following the word, a very short and encouraging preaching came at the right time with ecclesiasts 8:5-6 and 1 chronics 12: 23-32 as biblical references. “ As it is advised, never to put new wine in old wineskins; it is also advised that when entering a new house, not to come with old bad habits but new, positive and constructive ones.”
The hand of the Lord has been raised upon the Sanctuary and it is about to send to us floods of blessings. It is imperative for all the Church to wake up and grow in our spiritual awareness to ripe fruits now that we are at home. Progress in a group and as a family according to the vision of God through his servant, the Apostle Gabriel Veyi for the edification of the Body of Christ.
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