Transmitting the memory to build the future “is the ambition of African students from the Sorbonne who bring in their own way, the challenge of the continent that could not leave without reclaiming its history and without feeding its young generations of the “global village”. Illustration of this approach, the Association of African students from La Sorbonne ( is organizing on Saturday 7 March a conference on “Conflicts in Africa”.
Whether domestic or international, Africa aligns conflict or living together to the great displeasure of its people deprived of adequate conditions for their livelihood due to lack of dreaming of development. Caused or triggered by the Africans themselves, these conflicts tend to serve Western interests or those of a few adventurous policies, not mentioning their childhood and youth they fly in millions of their sons turned into executioners early or flesh Gun. Beyond these rather general conclusions, the actors of the ADEAS will increase the complexity of conflicts, which makes their resolution difficult. Eight speakers will propose, to the public, their readings of conflict in order to exchange and come up to a better understanding of the overall situation.
The question of the integrity and territorial unity to those of ethnicity and nationalism through conflicts at the intersection of these issues, African students from the Sorbonne will unravel the conflicts in the Casamance, the Mayotte, Angola, Ivory Coast and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
For the record, this association exists in the “cradle” of Negritude where his father met and is lead by Ndèye Katy Dieng, a beauty with a great culture, an insatiable curiosity, a great plume talented and highly intelligent.
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