In summary the message is, the DRC being member of SADC, and chairing it under the leadership of President Kabila, it is doing its best to contribute in the stability of the region, and it is therefore very please and encourages the progress seen in the region thereof.
Specially Zimbabwe, under the leadership of Jacob Zumba as a mediator, the major parties in Zimbabwe came into talking agreement and that will eventually lead to solutions. That is why a review and lifting off sanction on Zimbabwe, is being asked to the International community, before the country may embark in its recovery.
Madagascar, today under the mediation of the former president Tshisano of Mozambic is going to have in its dialogue process the inclusion of all the parties in order to find a way out – this is really an encouraging act.
By the time the SADC’s chairmanship is handed over to Namibia there is belief that there will be a lot of progress in the region, particularly Zimbabwe and Madagascar.
so that the entire region of SADC may be a peaceful one in Africa.
The people of South Africa have decided that as long as DRC is not stabilized Africa will not take off economically because DRC is an anchor country in central Africa.
The ambassador as well acknowledged some people who distinguished themselves in helping DRC.
He would wind up by thanking the leadership of ANC, the government and people of SA for their assistance in achieving peace and stability in the DRC
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