The God of the supernatural (Nzambe bikamua are in Lingala), is the flagship title of the sixth solo album of the Christian musical artist Nana Lukezo which is soon to be released in CD, VCD and DVD this spring 2013 in-between April and June. And,that will be in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Taken from one of the Lingala language spoken in Congo – Kinshasa, Congo – Brazzaville the opposite country and in a part of Gabon and the Central African Republic, the title Nzambe ya bikamua simply emphasize the importance of the faith of believers in God who always acts beyond what the man’s imagination and intelligence.
Thus the musician artist thought and reflected on SUPERNATURAL even of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ who ought to redeem the fallen humanity during the original sin in the Garden of Eden. Reason why the title Nungi Lufua (The one who has conquered death) from her third album has been remixed to the beat of the moment to include in the disk. The mystery of God’s SUPERNATURAL on the death doesn’t warrant for the rest the scheduling of official release in Kinshasa of this new disc around the Easter feast of 2013 this is to celebrate the resurrection of Christ for his part said the husband and manager of the artist Nana Lukezo, Jean-Claude Tshikangu.
On this subject, Nana Lukezo re-emphasizes and underlines the central message of the new musical album upon this God of supernatural in connection with the life of man in his daily life. With the central message of the supernatural of God, I would emphasize the fact that God is the the ONLY one able of anything she says … Two great video clips produced by the house “Heaven Above Studio” and Jean Michel Masuku London in Great Britain are already visible on the Internet platform YouTube. It is “Nzambe ya bikamua
“And” Yo = Nakolanda( I’ll follow You) the Messiah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjooNJUfw9I&list=PL848CF1E7375BA1D8 “are.
Back to basics. Why chose Kinshasa for the official release of her sixth solo album while the previous were from Europe, where she lives with her family for more than ten years? Her answer is simple: Kinshasa is my hometown and Congo is my blood country even if Belgium is now the one of my heart for having me here with my family. Four trips to my native country, the last two in 2012 made me feel the need to return to my roots, more ever at a time when my country is going through a very difficult war situation imposed on us by neighbors and strangers To revive oneself from one’s roots is a real rejuvenation to go further as the saying goes. The return to Kinshasa had another unusual encounter, that of the artist Nana Lukezo and group members from Kinshasa grouping Kinshasa and stars around the world on facebook. They were coming to attend shooting on the set of clips from the new album … who said that friendships on the internet could not materialize!
This is the policy that you then talking about what is happening in the East without nobody doing anything? Far from me and from it for whether we do politics in the true sense of the term or not, It takes care of you, answers Nana Lukezo. It has been several years like many other Congolese compatriots, I gave my voice in denouncing these massacres, looting and other crimes of rape in the eastern part of my country with the two martyrs provinces of North and South Kivu . This for the rest is what that allowed my collaboration with MSF Belgium in conducting a number of concerts throughout La Flandre and of which the revenues were entirely devoted to this cause.
Side of the heart of Nana Lukezo does not only stops to the unjust victims of the war in eastern Congo. It also has a thought for orphaned and abandoned children in her hometown of Kinshasa. Reason why she helped in the search of donations from all people of good will on behalf of the NGO AMJC (Assistance to the Malnutrition Juvenile in the DRC) Nelly Tshikangu (www.youtube.com/watch?v = YFPjCuxuzCsm). Concerts in support of this action were organized in Europe including Brussels to raise funds and donations to assist orphans and street children who are many in our nation’s capital. Call is made to all goodwill where they are to come to support this kind of initiative.
Other esteemed particularity of this new album, the 14 tracks are sung in the four national languages namely Kikongo, Lingala, Swahili and Tshiluba. Is it for a particular reason this choice? Yes and no answers the artist after my fifth album entirely in French for French speakers in the world, I needed to wink to children and people of my country in our own languages to further strengthen this spirit and sense of unity and national cohesion in this difficult time. Nakolanda yo (I’ll follow) Naponi Yo (I chose) Litatoli (Testimony) Lisiko na ngai (My salvation) Batela Kondima na ngai (Guard my faith) Mfumu Yesu (Jesus king), Ndi nkulambula Mfumu Wanyi (I will sacrifice to you my Lord) Nungi Lufua (He conquered death) Taleti Mbanza (City Watch) Azali na bomoyi lelo Lobi libela (He is alive today, tomorrow and forever) Yawhe simba ngai (Yawhe support me) Sikiya (Hear me), Ya Yesu Elonga (Jesus the winner) …
This genuine disc compiled in national languages of Congo includes some key titles from previous albums as remixed Nungi Lufua, Jésus ma Référence, Jésus Ma Haute Retraite etc.… The 14 tracks that make up this disc will appeal to the Christian public and surely other music lovers because of new sounds made capable with the new information technologies. We note for example Yawhe simba ngai (Lord hold me) taken in memory of another great musician Christian Pastor Blaise Sakila who died suddenly in his sleep in January 2012 in Kinshasa and for whom Nana Lukezo had a lot of love, of friendship and esteem she says with tears in her eyes.
The release of this new album coincides with the 20th anniversary of her career in Christian music will be punctuated on the spot in Kinshasa in a friendly concert with VODACOM, a leader in telephony Congo – Kinshasa. It is the young and neo-producer Pierrot NKE fron NP house Productions who is responsible for the production of of Nana Lukezo new album which will be a premiere for him an artist already known on the market.
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