Judith Londole is Louis Blaise Londole sister, and she is the one sharing the quilts with the social networks society’s newsfaker and the media impolite individual in DRC. Luwara pains to be a journalist, a chronicle mogul, and a show anchor. Pero Luwara who lives in hiding for exaggerated insults towards the current RD Congo Head of State, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi is in dire straits. The ill-bred of the Republic seeks at all costs asylum in Europe or in America from his hideout. In CPL News, this bad boy reports certain writings that are similar to articles in which unconscious tinkerings are shamefully mounted to undermine the reputation, personality and honour of stakeholders with imperturbable political and academic virtues. Luwara is a sore mouth unconsciously imbued with an incongruous personality, who gets his feet stuck in clay mud all the times.
Luwara lives in concubine relationship, from a distance, with the sister of Louis Blaise Londole, Judith Londole. Louis Blaise is one of the six members of the Board of Directors at the Régie des Voies Aériennes (RVA). He was appointed by His Excellency the President of the Republic, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, in ordinances enacted on June 10, 2020. Louis Blaise Londole is the Chairman of the non-profit organization Fatshiste par Conviction, his sister, Judith Londole lives in France. Sources revealed that Luwara has asked her to make use her permanent residence status in France to enable his exfiltration from Zambia and Kashobue so that the new lovebirds solidify their cohabiting idyll once he is in France. Certainly, money is not an issue to facilitate the process thanks to the funds made available to him as the spoils for insults proliferated, night and day, against the President of the Republic Félix Antoine. A boiled intelligence of which Luwara is proud and drawn from the entrails of mendicant impudicity in volubility and a tonality falsely imprinted with the PPDA label (Patrick Poivre d’Arvor). Judith Londole is already warned; the threats of reprisals by Congolese living in the diaspora are a sword of Damocles on her head. In the United States and Canada, it’s the same chorus. They are watching nooks and crannies in search of any suspicion indicating any presence of Luwara, needing to be reported. Criticizing, torturing and negatively analyzing political positions and Fatshi governance tactics have never resulted in crimes of majesty. The full might of the law shall be applied in the event of deviations that affect the President Felix Tshisekedi and his family, Luwara will be no exception.

Judith shall be aware that hiding an illegal immigration candidate like Luwara would compromise, on a large scale, the professional and political career of her brother Louis Blaise Londole. Blaise is a former economic asylum seeker from Zaire who spent decades in Canada until the advent of Félix Antoine. Fortunately, President Félix is so well brought up that the vendetta has never been his heart’s chorus. The string being a little big (unconvincing arguments), Luwara has always pulled himself out of reality with hastily slanderous assertions that are not detailed, and they are devoid of substance. The falsely called upon media guy is not at his first experience with pompously hollow statements, Luwara is a rudely omnivorous raccoon. The fact of eating at all the racks to ensure his survival, bears testimony to the absence of the elementary traits of ethics and politeness towards the State authorities, including the President of the Republic. The writing of his pseudo articles is equivalent to speaking which does not take into account certain prerequisites for writing; his talk is a real horror movie. He sins by disrespecting the editorial criterion sine qua non for the intelligible dissemination of information. The same unhealthy creed is shared by all who drink from Katumbi water flow! Judge for yourselves!
Once Luwara said of the National Assembly vice-president, André Mbata, that he is a second-class lecturer, while he graduated from a college of higher education in the DRC not ranked among the 100 best on the continent. UNISA (University of South Africa) where Mbata lectures at the Faculty of Law is among the top 10 universities in Africa. Such amnesiac delay is a very big question mark on his mental abilities. The maximization of marks remains still and always the subject of debate as long as the purchase of syllabus constitutes a criterion for examination body assessment in Congo. This is the easiest way to graduate in DRC with its retrograde education system. Luwara’s behaviour is a congruent reflection of the unspeakably discounted and biased educational background. He is the rotten specimen of experimental placebos, determined to think that harshness in insults would plunge the Elected President of the Republic into a daze. African wisdom recommends that the man takes the lead when living with a female, Luwara is the shame of the entire humankind.
With a demeaning mockery, this man of loose morals who testify to an ostentatious lack of education, compared the President of the Republic to an actor of the same caliber as Vue de Loin. Sai Sai, Esobe and all the other comedians in the DRC have their guts pumped into their lungs to hear Luwara making fun of their profession. Comedy, whether romantic, social or absurd, fills people who need humour. But a certain Luwara thinks that cinema, which includes comedy, was wrong to be classified and called the 7th art. The reasoning of this onlooker from the press demonstrates the negatively evolutionary dimension of learning with multiple unimaginable regressions. Putting forward blustering arguments without a base of due diligence would result in legal actions being taken against the string pullers and the executors, once identified. Faced with a “Bombé” heavy smoker, the discrepancies in language, his poor education with a hunchbacked background and his ambiguous profiling and his broadcasts do not move anyone.
Today Luwara delights in easy insults and incendiary calumnies; he forgets having buried himself in the gutters and spent nights in trenches like in Trenchtown to escape the ardour of Kabila power, the merits of which he had praised before disappearing definitively. The early hours’ cantor of the Kabila system, Luwara had made Digital Congo, his employer, the audiovisual mirror of the Republic. The freedom of the press and expression will never be equal to defamation and licentiousness. Public slander is a result of filthy and immature intelligences. Returning from purgatory, Luwara had taken refuge with human rights organizations for his safety, while imploring them to intervene to recovering his unpaid salary for several months; process which failed dismally. Failing to have recovered any iota, Luwara would have wanted Felix to intervene in his salary disputes with Jeanet! Did Dada swear on Luwara’s skin to justify this animosity freely maintained against the President of the Republic?
Yes, Félix plays comedy at the head of the state! What about his maker Katumbi whom he believes to be a providential man for the DRC – when the lucre’s goal blindly corrupts without rationality? Katumbi had recently thundered on the antennas of France 24 that once elected President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, he will never be confined to “climatic” offices, instead of “air-conditioned” ones. Sluggish, ignorant statements devoid of syntax and semantics. This is the perfect place to start the change. If the Chief stammers at this level, it amounts to saying that his lecturers, including Luwara and Kamitatu, are only the King’s jesters. There are no bad students, only bad teachers. By now, reality is catching up with Luwara; like a terrified porcupine, he looks for an emergency exit to escape, and for good. Besides, the new Republic does not need carriers of mercantile antipodes. As a real press scavenger, Luwara behaves like a swan that sings all day long, while its songs contain neither serenity nor purity, therefore without beauty. However, it is in the serenity of its song that the Swan’s purity is assessed.
Just yesterday, Luwara gave an interview in which he confirmed the absence of any Congolese paternity of his maker Katumbi. Born of an Israeli father with a Zambian female domestic worker in his household, Katumbi is a Greek-Israeli-Italian-Zambian citizen, who made his fortune on the backs of Congolese nationals. The death of engineer Kabasele, known for his “pousse-café” spirit in the Mbola Mine affair, is intimately linked to the influence of this bastard, and his Katangese regional governance destroyed the existence of Gécamines. Kabasele was killed for his “kasaianity” during the confiscation of his mine by envoys from Soriano, alias Katumbi. A stateless foreigner who hunts a native of a known regional affiliation, and in his country of origin – such a happenstance is DRC only!
Luwara is one of the DRC crimson sins, and mistakenly compared to the Congolese press best, Kwebe Kimpele. It’s an insult to Kwebe, whose straight-talking accuracy became the subject of essays and phraseology exercises in the country’s most famous high schools. Unfortunately Luwara used to carve his buttocks skin in the otherwise known as “Masoko Pasi – Buttocks Hurting” high schools. It is sad to see that it took Félix Antoine to be elected President of the Republic for the people to regain their freedom. Luwara’s behaviour is the quintessential manifestation of a rediscovered freedom like a birdie that comes out of its nest for the first time and discovers the delights of flying. But the intoxicating effects of such freedom are not distant from those of dementia, as brain cells no longer develop in dementia; it is brain death that awaits Luwara, because he is already clinically dead. Wearing glasses, which makes him look like an agar dragonfly, does not give him a certain intelligence which he claims to be in possession of, to vulgarly attacking President Fatshi. The DRC faces a “Mario” of the worst kind, a clinically dead candidate for illegal immigration under the loincloths of a concubine, Judith. A gigolo imbued with insolently pompous and hollow chatter.
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