March 10, 2025


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One of the requisites of a successful organisation in the present-time, cybernetic age is its complexity through compartmentalization into diverse, complementary components, while simultaneously each strives to yield the best result out of its labour.




By the same token, the task of the management of such organisation consists in enabling each component, monitoring and evaluating its performance, and steering the ship of the whole edifice towards the attainment of the organisation’s mission and objectives. Abiding by this rule, African Marketing Global Empowerment and Projects (AMAGEP) has hired Ms Mbali Ngobese to head two of its organs and bring it to the highest level: the Economic and Finances Commission and the Communication and Public Relations Commission.

Ms Ngobese is a new value added to AMAGEP. She is a livewire in terms of conceiving strategies of generating funds for the multi-faceted institution, evaluating its financial needs, elaborating its annual budget and fixing the contributions of members; working to the mobilisation of funds; and promoting the brand image of AMAGEP to prospective partners and the public of the South Africa, the continent, and the world. Native of the Republic of South Africa, she plays a pivotal role in the organisation’s efforts to culturally link the Southern Africa to the rest of the continent and, subsequently, to contribute to the birth of one African identity and to the materialization of African Renaissance. Definitely, her nomination enhances the pan-African character of this Johannesburg-based public benefit organisation.