He is the Super Cop for the State Finances in DRC and attracts hatred; he is the hate especially of the corrupt regime of state predators who reigned supreme for two decades over the destiny of the republic. He remains the thorn in the flesh of the state capturers. FCC, the worst political platform of its kind, is responsible for the looting of DRC resources over 20 years. Here they are, cry witch-hunt. The Finances General Inspectorate Chief Executive Officer, Jules Alingeti does not balk at obstacles that try, chuggingly, to annihilate his initiatives in the fulfillment of his duties. If he who loves well punishes well is applicable, Alingeti also knows that this quote has its corollary that the feeling closest to love is hatred. Jitters are felt in state owned enterprises’ headquarters, and hurriedly, these SOE (State Owned Enterprises) CEOs are busy activating and reactivating maneuvering commands with the help of their watchdogs to deceive the inquisitive eye of the IGF (Finances General Inspectorate) agents dispatched to perform audit. The General Inspectorate of Finance exercises a general mission of control, audit, study, advice and evaluation in administrative and financial matters.
Alingeti and his team comply with the prerequisites of ORDER n ° 87-323 establishing the General Inspectorate of Finance, in short “IGF” of September 15, 1987, enacted by then President Mobutu, before its update by Decree No. 034-B/2003 of March 18, 2003 and so on. The primacy of the prerogatives by IGF is summed up in the verification for regularity in revenue financial operations, expenditure and cash carried out by public services, financial authorities and public accountants. As it must propose all the measures aimed at correcting the shortcomings, dysfunctions and irregularities identified during controls and auditing, this institution acts in support of SOEs financial management. IGF performs their duties either under the tutelage of the Ministry of Finance, the direct authority of the President of the Republic (and not of the Presidency), which is the case in DRC, and the Prime Minister.
Singletons kleptocrats and public funds looters with an immensely luxuriant heritage whose insolence leads to an expensive life t the detriment of the DRC which welcomes them anorexics, some predators use the Republic routes, infrastructure not built by them, and pollute them by the nuisance of motorized motorbikes somehow. They dig everywhere for the sole purpose of justifying their own turpitudes after being rejected by ordinary people. It is a difficult juxtaposition which confirms the taunts made by the President of the Republic during his interview on July 01, 2021 in Goma. The breathtaking gaping gap caused by corruption, the work of the Big Fish which the country Super Cop calls for the lifting of parliamentary immunities for immediate legal proceedings, remains the channel of public finances, without traces or waves for their traceability at times. Bukanga Lonzo, Ndjili Modular Terminal, the loans by the FPI not reimbursed, the spurious exemptions, the redundancy of illegal ports to the detriment of the only international port of Matadi whose licenses, approvals and international authorizations they use, the monopoly in the national economy by Egal relating to basic products for local consumption, without an iota paid to the DGI (DRC Revenue Service) as a tax slate, including but not limited to hijacking of mineral quarries and mines in Katanga and Kisangani, MIBA bankruptcy in Kasai…

The Visa credit card saga makes headlines with explanations that go all the way to positively support theft, embezzlement, abuse of power and other undue and illicit enrichment. The Treasury has been running dry following indescribable financial imbroglios. Admittedly, the rights holders do exist, but some card holders did not have and/or have no capacity to hold them. Others dive into a poorly tailored reminiscence that funds credited to card accounts would come from secret funds like in Lusaka talks sadly as a bitter and revengeful Kikaya Bin Karubi, describes it this way via a tweet; “The President of the Republic, heads of constituted bodies, the Ministers and some senior officials have what are called secret funds; a completely legal process enshrined in the finance law. The issue of cards is just superfluous. ”FALSE”! Disbursements made upstream and/or downstream are always tracked and charged to the budgets of institutions for which cards were issued, in compliance of provisions contained in Articles 233 of the Finance Law of 2011 and 81 of Decree No. 13/050 of 12/15/2013 on general accounting in DRC. It is common knowledge that in the private or public sector, decision-making bodies and ministries to have “Petty-Cash: Petite Caisse” with a predetermined amount that is added as needed, but not secret funds. This is sufficient proof that past rulers had no knowledge in managing state finances. The practice of bank card does not date from 1960 as Sele Yalaguli would have specified; him too, holds one, even after his departure from the cabinet as Minister of Finance. He has humiliated the President of the Republic like no other. Fortuitous monthly payments and free of charge to card’s accounts enticed cardholders dizzy to such an extent that duplicates were produced for more feminine conquests as well as families scattered all over the world.
Former Allan Greenspan (referring to the former Governor of the Reserve Bank in the States) of the Central Bank of Congo, Déogratias Mutomb Mwana Nyembo, by his letter referenced “Gouv. N ° 00704 ”of June 11, 2021, in response to the current Minister of Finance, Kazadi, noted“ Also, it should be emphasized, for your information, that these cards are not directly linked to the General Treasury Account. This cannot be the case. Indeed, according to the classic scheme established for this purpose, said cards are issued by the local correspondent and backed up to BCC Foreign Currency Resident account in the books of the issuing bank. It is upon receipt of debit activities, following their use, that BCC passes them on to the General Treasury Account, the ad hoc amount, up to the corresponding amount “. Mutomb remains ambiguous because he does not contradict that ultimately the Treasury is not responsible for all amounts spent by holders and debited from its accounts through the relevant institutional mechanisms in force. Verbicrucist, Mutomb confuses public opinion with his document which would serve as educational material for laymen. He deliberately omitted to specify the number and the quality of the beneficiaries. The practice of the card is not in question; only its use is confusing. The laws in force allow that while crossed national borders, any traveler is authorized to have an amount in dollars not exceeding USD 9,999.99. In many cases, this fund is so ridiculous that it is necessary to have a recourse fund, which means bank card. Before the bank card recital, DRC proceeded by issuing arbitration notes or other blank checks or drafts/bank drafts drawn on state accounts held with commercial banks, having nominal value abroad. Pissing with one’s sex organ pointed at the sky while lying on one’s back, is like collecting one’s own urine. It is thus that by insulting themselves for the calamitous management which has plunged the country into its last entrenchments, and as if by the irony of fate, Kikaya would seem to master so much the management of a republic that he declares, verbatim his writings: “To understand the usefulness of the bank card, a little diplomacy lesson is necessary, no offense to those who are going to blow their nose because they feel snotty.” Yes! Mr. Félix Antoine Tshisekedi and his UDPS cohort never master the diplomacy of theft and hijackings. Fortunately, they are by no means Kuluna like all of the worst species of leaders of 20 years ago that the DRC had never known, with ambivalent interests, coupled with ostentatious hallucinations, knowing how to distinguish between the interests of the people and their own; a cacophony of superb apostrophes and superfluous laughter that cannot be sustained by a claustrophobic management that results in enormous trivialities.
The Catholic prelate, a privileged co-author of the looting of funds allocated to education, supports the fight against Félix Antoine for the reestablishment of the rule of law. This justifies the refusal of certain propaedeutic students to confess, in the past, sins they committed in front of a priest, an abbot, vicar or brother. The author of this article is no exception, having been himself at the propaedeutic of the Sacred Heart of Lunkelu in Luebo, in Kasai Central. Having once been the main lever for the colonization of black peoples of Africa, Catholicism has been a hypocritical religion since dawn of time; that will never change, even with the advent of the rule of law that President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi is fully advocating. Alas! The horn of its cries is similar to the childbirth pains, with discontinuation.
The people are intolerably waiting for the start of trials against these white-collar criminals whose files have already been transmitted, for some, by Jules Alingeti’s office to justice for treatment. Their place, for the most part, is in Makala, especially in Kanyama Kasese where they will undergo a forced diet whose impacts will be visible by the reduced size of their excessive big stomachs in view of the field work to which they will be subjected, not to mention a devoid diet-Cordon Bleu culinary opulence that they enjoy pleasantly in the comfort of their homes built and bought or received to the detriment of the Congolese, authentic landowners. On the other hand, they will be thrown into pasture, at the mercy of popular vindictiveness. Between the people and this kind of iconoclastic bachibouzouks, people shall look at each other like mortal enemies, and we know about the rest to confuse their presumptuousness! As per Caligula but in an official and legal way, Jules Alingeti must be frightening. Oderint, dum metuant-Let them hate me, as long as they fear me, to prevent anger from exploring compatriot hatred and vengeance within the homeland of the Congolese people, generation after generation.
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