Saturday 7th October 2011, Christians of South Africa gathered to give a farewell to one of the pioneers of the Pentecostal faith “ Revival Church” in the DRC in Parktown, Johannesburg. A strong delegation from the main “La Borne Church” in Kinshasa, the 1st born daughter of the Patriarch based in Senegal, joining her mother, spouse of the Apostle Vernaud, leaders of different Congolese churches based in south Afica, brothers and sisters in Christ recognizing themselves as children in faith of Papa Vernaud; they all attended the ceremonial service at the Heirs of Promises Sanctuary, Church of the Apostle Gabriel Veyi in an atmosphere of souvenir and the keeping and continuity of the vision and projects of Pastor Jacques Vernaud for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Gabriel Veyi, being the 1st born of the Patriarch’s children in faith in South Africa, came forward to honor and pay respect to the memory of his father and menthor.
Summary of the evening
The evening was totally the opposite of the expectations of the common Congolese, a celebration of the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ over our habits anc customs seen in times of death. The icon, Jacques Vernaud, as illustrated in a passed video footage shown to the audience during the ceremony where he was preaching on death.
He was demanding to the people of God not to cover his Passover on the other side with tears, sorrows and pains but instead to celebrate the victory of Jesus Christ because on the day of his death he will be rejoicing with angels for the glory of the Father. Will respected and fulfilled for the respect of the Patriarch’s memory.
Apostle Gabriel Veyi’speech
The evening was conducted by Pastor Pierre Yembe who introduced the Heirs of Promises Sanctuary’s leader, the Apostle GabrielVeyi and in his speech, he went through the biography of Jacques vernaud emphasizing more on his role in the implantation of the the Pentecostal faith in the DRC and the training and formation of God’servants, including himself, through his ministry. The message was concluded with the display of a video footage on the Patriarch’s life, vision,mission and projects on La Borne church for the salvation of souls in the DRC.
Speeches of the Vernaud
It was the turn of the family to express their feelings towards the Man of God. Iris Vernaud, 1st born daughter of the family leaned on her father’s paternal and humoristic side. She spoke about the real father that he was, how he played with his children in a family atmosphere full of joy, humility and fun, very far from the preacher and soul winner that he was on the pulpit.
Madame Vernaud on her turn took the opportunity to talk to the audience. Very particular in her kind, she went through one of her husband’s preaching on the love between a couple and to conclude at the end of it: “ It is the perfect copy of the love that I shared with my husband all his life long.” The advice given to us:” Partner, in minimum, love your spouse as you love yourself; in maximum, love your partner as Christ loved the church.”
Word from Kinshasa delegation
It was the turn of La Borne church representative to thank the South African churches for the organization and he emphasized more on the enormous task left behind by Papa Vernaud and the continuation of his vision, the mission and all the projects for the salvation of souls in DRC.
Pastor Tsimba, Provincial President of the assemblies of God in Kinshasa-DRC acknowledged in his speech at the end of the service the impact of the Missionary Jacques André Vernaud’s work for the edification of the body of Christ in DRC.
An atmosphere of prayers, praise and worship took the service at its end, followed by a photo session with the Vernaud family by the La Borne church members based in South Africa. I will conclude like the Apostle Gabriel Veyi: Christ said to his disciples in Matthews 28:19 “ Go, make of all nations disciples….It is the Lord’s most neglected command. His servant Jacques Vrnaud executed it very powerfully and with impact!
{vsig_c}0|a.jpg||Madame Vernaud and her 1st born daughter{/vsig_c}
{vsig_c}0|b.jpg||Apostle Gabriel Veyi and Pastor Tsimba{/vsig_c}
{vsig_c}0|c.jpg||Pastor Lydia Veyi et the two Vernaud Ladies {/vsig_c}
{vsig_c}0|d.jpg||The Vernaud Ladies, Mother and Daughter {/vsig_c}
{vsig_c}0|e.jpg||Apostle Gabriel Veyi with the Ceremony conductor of the day, Pastor Pierre Yembe {/vsig_c}
{vsig_c}0|f.jpg||Vernaud ‘s Daughter {/vsig_c}
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