A democrat who turned into a terrorist rebel who is now the boss of an insurrectional movement! Following the ballot closing in the 2018 presidential and general elections in a readied conference room at the headquarters of CENI – Independent National Electoral Commission, Corneille Nangaa, then President of this democracy support structure, was preparing to release the results of the presidential election. Once the reading of various results reports for members of Parliament Lower House as well as members of provincial parliament was complete, Nangaa took care of the rest. Today, the leader of an insurrectional movement that terrorizes the East of the Republic, Nangaa released and published Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, as the new President of the Republic. This victory proclamation, he thought, would give him free access to President Félix, whenever he wanted to meet him. Unfortunately, such a carte blanche was never granted to him; this refusal signalled the beginning of the malaise in Nangaa who finds in the new regime a lack of gratitude towards him as if he were the maker of Félix Antoine Tshisekedi presidency. Despite the limited resources, Félix Antoine had campaigned in the most vigorous way possible. He had braved unfavourable conditions in a makeshift aircraft, treading muddy places where roads never existed and accessible only on foot.
The AFC leader background who swears only by the change of regime in Kinshasa, did not set him up him to record success that he has been enjoying. Nangaa’s posture had changed for the better, he had secured a social recognition thanks to the DRC taxpayer’s money. Movable and immovable property here, shareholding there, the best way to thank these people for Nangaa is to kill them en masse as evidenced by the killings perpetrated during the assault on Goma in January 2025. The extremely wealthy level he has reached, having been helped by the Congolese taxpayer, has earned these same people a monster killer Nangaa has become into. Through death that he is distributing for free, he kills the populations, ethnic groups and entire clans in the country the he is vying to rule as president – but which people is he going to lead because he is cleansing them all? Yet Nangaa is only a messenger who bows down to orders by Kagame whose taste for blood is a recipe that he delights with an execrable appetite – a guilty pleasure. Author of the AfDL’s spectacular entry into Kinshasa in 1997 through minute fightings that began in October 1996, the bloodthirsty Rwandan leader has returned to the fray under all pseudonyms that exist in this part of the Great Lakes region. No more question asked about RCD and CNDP, but M23 1, M23 2 and AFC to make Kinshasa shaking and shivering in disarray.
To heading and leading these terrorist rebel movements, Kagama places the Congolese in command while controlling them with an iron fist, so that they cruelly take care of their brothers and sisters, just as he did to his own in 1994, whose survivors, bearing the scars thereof still, were forced into exile, within the FDLR on Congolese soil. In the background, the eviction of indigenous populations in the East and their replacement by the Rwandan Tutsi populations (not by Congolese Tutsis) is one of the objectives to be achieved before annexing part of Congolese national territory. The day after the installation of a new CENI office in 2021, Nangaa waited only two years to launch a political party – Action for the Dignity of Congo and its People (ADCP). This is contrary to the legal provisions that prohibit him from engaging in politics after a certain period following his departure from CENI. He was later disappointed and felt betrayed at the recall of the policemen forming his security apparatus. As if it was not enough, he put the regular political scheme on hold to become a hired killer at the service of Kagame.

Nangaa AFC was created in Nairobi; it ought to confirm that AFC is only a political branch of M23, the nebula that hinders the tranquillity of inhabitants in the East. The AFC-M23 marriage is reinforced by other armed groups that are active in the East, notably the Patriotic and Integrationist Force of Congo (FPIC) “Chini Ya Kilima”, Patriotic Forces for the Defense of Congo, FPDC, ACN- Kyhanda-Yira a cultural association of the Nande people who live in the province of North Kivu. Kagame and Rwanda think that they hold the rights to mine and export colombo tantalite-Coltan, cassiterite, gold and other minerals as their own. Kagame’s Rwanda broke up with its tea production to become a coltan, cassiterite and gold producer on a global scale. These deceitfully administered and managed tricks convinced the European Union to enter into an agreement worth hundreds of millions of Euros with Rwanda. However, not a single gram of these rare minerals is found in Rwanda. The latter had made Rubaya in the DRC its large-scale coltan and gold mines. Faced with these mannas that the soil and the subsoil provide for the original beneficiaries thereof who are Congolese, Rwanda, driven by the taste for gain and helped by Congolese sons including Nangaa, thinks of balkanization – Ituri, Haut Uele, Bas-Uele, North Kivu, South Kivu, Maniema and Tanganyika should be an integral part of the disaster zone under Rwandan administration according to agreements of March 23, 2009 that the former Congolese government entered into with CNDP and with M23 in 2013. The political “No” that Félix Antoine Tshisekedi has always reserved against implementing of such porous, weak and murderous agreements, pushed Kagama envoys – Nangaa, Bisimwa, Kanyuka and Willy Goma, helped by Rwandan troops to kill, burn and rape the Congolese men and women. The wards occupation in Goma was carried out at the indescribable cost of blood, including the carnage at Munzenze Prison, the blitz on the hospital, the bombing of the camp for displaced persons in Mugunga, the bombing of the church, not to mention the population. Who will Nangaa manage, administer and direct when the cleansing of the populations is underway?
Fortunately, an international warrant was issued by the government against Nangaa who had been sentenced to death in absentia during the trial held in August 2024. While waiting for his arrest, Kagame and his African and Western partners are buying refugees in certain countries. The aim is to train them in the handling of weapons and send them to DRC to fight alongside Nangaa and M23, and pursuing the killing of UDPS members. The recent visit by the DRC former president to Eswatini (former Swaziland) on Sunday February 9, 2025 is not a trivial fact. It is in this context that the DRC authorities are activating all channels to convince international organizations and the 5 permanent members of the permanent council of the United Nations, as well as the European Union to condemn Rwanda and sanction certain leaders of the Rwandan government and the M23 including AFC of Nangaa.

Kagame’s insistence on seeing the DRC government at the same table with M23 hides the plans for balkanization. He uses Nangaa and the terrorist rebels to satisfy his needs for mixing and blending during dialogues so that his own are in the institutions of the Republic. The porosity of the defense systems of the Democratic Republic of Congo has these two factors as its roots. To make matters worse, CENCO, which had withdrawn from the preparations for its appointment as head of CENI, returned to the charge to demand the inclusion of everyone in the dialogue process, including Nangaa, without whom Lamuka would not be there. Dialogue to repeat the mistakes of 2009 would not be a step towards improving the situation. Surprisingly, the DRC has never asked Kagame to sit down at the same table with the FDLR as a prerequisite for any engagement.
These terrorist movements, described as empty shells by the government, are carrying out the diktat of Rwanda, which supports them in everything and for everything. This allows it to order the killings and massacres of Congolese civilians on their own territory. With an international community watching but silent, Nangaa and Kagame killed MONUSCO and SADC peacekeepers without being worried or challenged.
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