March 10, 2025


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Elo ‘Fiancé ya maloba’ “Zaiko on tour in South Africa in February 2010

Teddy Sukami and Zaïko have immortalized him in "Elo" a everlasting track, and
interested them has always delivered. In addition to fidelity to the  
memory of the late Teddy Sukami, Freddy Elongama Zaïko has pegged the heart
to the point of considering a tour of the band in South Africa where
this chemical engineer is staying for professional reasons. That is what
Elo reveled to us in a brief interview he has given to AEM
Afriqu'Echos MAGAZINE (AEM): Freddy Elonga, you return from Kinshasa for the
second time since the concerts that followed the return of Nyoka Longo ...
FREDDY eLong (F. ELO): Just returned from Kinshasa, where I often go for reason 
of my work. It's almost every month I am in Kinshasa and of course
this gives me the opportunity to monitor Zaiko
AEM: You've certainly met Nyoka Longo, did you discuss with him 
the Zaïko tour in South Africa where this group would be very much demanded?
F. ELO: Every time I do not fail to meet President Nyoka Longo and play with the
band when the opportunity arises. We of course discuss the possibility of a tour group in RSA.
AEM: Do you have an idea about the date or period planned for the tour?
F. ELO: We believe that the month of February 2010 would be favorable. We
want, in effect, taking into account the 2010 World Cup and doubling the
interest and potential sponsors.
AME: What has been done and what will actually be done in the coming days?
F. ELO: We are trying to gather as many sponsors as possible in the DRC and in
RSA. The president Nyoka must come to RSA towards the November 20th and with him we
will make prob the place before confirming the dates for the tour.
AEM: Your impressions of the work done since the return of Nyoka Longo in
F. ELO: Nyoka Longa and Zaiko have worked hard to return to the top of the
Congolese musical sceane. Zaiko is in high demand and music lovers are
counted among the young and old that we are. This is the strength of Zaiko
Nkolo Mboka.