The DR Congo faces one of the most puzzling stalemate in its history. There’s no prospect of settling the permanent conflict between President Joseph Kabila’s People’s Party for Reconstruction and Democracy (PPRD), and the Opposition leader Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba’s Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS).
This conflict is exacerbated by the post-electoral tension, due to the fact that these two personalities were simultaneously sworn in as president of the Republic—the first boasting to have the State imperium under control, whereas the second being certain of embodying popular legitimacy.
The absence of dialogue between the pair, in particular, and the political class in general has plunged the Congolese population in unprecedented sufferings in her history, and has led learned observers to believe that all the present-day Congolese politicians are selfish, and blinded by a pathological thirst for power. The international community also shares into the responsibility of this unrest.
It has not adopted serious, strong measures either to confirm and back the elections’ winner, or to reorganize elections within improved conditions. It timidly sided with the head of State whose win is largely contested by the people and national and international electoral observers.
It’s in this context of a sharp crisis that the Congo Paradise Movement (CPM) is bron in Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa, on Saturday, 9th of March 2013. The CPM, inspired by the vision of the future Congo championed in the 1956 African Consciousness Manifesto, is, on the one hand, a mass movement.
Totally devoted to the interest of the martyred Congolese people, it mobilizes, from the grassroots level, the Congolese, regardless of their political, ethnic, social or religious affiliation, toward a goal: the restoration, in the atmosphere of national concord, of the dignity of the Congolese within their territory and in the concert of nations as well. It then welcomes all efforts, ideas, and approaches oriented toward that goal.
On the other hand, the CPM is a politico-spiritual movement. Its calling is to be the servant of God and His people of the DRC. It holds that the Congo is a terrestrial paradise to be restored, the Promised Land of each Congolese. Nevertheless, to fulfill such a restoration, it’s active into the renewal of the intelligence of the Congolese Man by educating him in interiorizing the values of the Kingdom of God (self-sacrifice in the love of God and of the neighbor; faith in the Congo’s prophetic mission for mankind, and in a future totally subdued to the divine will in the Congo and the world; hope of a paradise life in the Congo, which is a natural propaedeutics to the paradise life in heaven; and other fruits of the Holy Spirit) and the ideals which led to the greatness of civilizations, the Western one in particular (reason enlightened by faith, universal priesthood, liberty, equality, fraternity, etc.), which generate self-confidence and unleash energies for all kind of inventions and development actions.
In summary, the CPM is consubstantial to, and utilizes the same emancipatory approach as, the Black American civil rights movement, which was launched in 1957 by Dr. Martin Luther King. Transcending the deadly bipolarity of the DRC’s current political scale, it’s neither at the right nor at the left; it positions itself in the centre, in the middle of the village, as the bearer of remedies to the country’s ills, so that the great and valiant people of Congo may see the end of the tunnel. Furthermore, in its quality as a spiritual revolutionary movement, the CPM names and shames the “tombs” of the churches, political parties and universities, which keep the Congolese people into the captivity of darkness—and of political, tribal, religious, and educational idolatry—while at the same time chaining her into the cult of Mammon and Baal. By waging this struggle against the darkness, the CPM proclaims the resurrection of the people, with the following cry: “wake-up, and come out of your tombs!”
At last, the CPM founder and chairman is Mr. Bruno Katumpa. Born in Lubumbashi, he is a businessman residing in Johannesburg, South Africa. He’s devoured by a passion for national unity instead of the current divisions based on regional, tribal, and religious identities, which have been threatening the nation since her accession to international sovereignty; and he firmly convinced that these divisions and other Congolese ills will be healed by a politico-spiritual, revolutionary approach commenced by the CPM. He is studying law at the University of South Africa (UNISA) and a prolific artist-musician. For a broad diffusion of this good news in the DR Congo and the Diaspora, kindly contact:
*President Bruno Katumpa: – Cellphone: (+27) 726 248 026
– Email: ttbrkatumpa@gmail.com
*Noah Mbuyi Benadam : – Cellphone : (+27) 797 225 216
– Email : noahbenadam2000@yahoo.com
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