March 10, 2025


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Rape, weapon of mass destruction in DR Congo


In The Democratic Republic of Congo rape is being used as an instrument of mass destruction. Since the liberation war led by Laurent Kabila in 1996, the rebel movement formed of armies of Rwanda,Uganda and Burundi under protection of Amercian and European goverment, rape has spread in the country. Many act of violences have increased after all wars the country has know..

In this case, the current governement in  Kinshasa is facing multiple pressure from local and international activists. President Joseph Kabila has finished his mandate since 2016 but he is refusing to leave power. Many human rights observers have been warning the International Community and local population of Kabila’s intention to stay in power even after his mandate would expire.


That campaign of justice and rightness has made many enemies even within state institutions and agencies. The governement uses the army, intelligence agences and different branches of the judiciary to manipulate and preussurize those who are opposing any manipulation that can compromise the rspect of the constitution or the well-being of the people. For that reason, magistrates, lawyers, journalists, civil society leaders, students and some law enforcement agents have been the target of the campaign to silence those who oppose the rule of tyranny and murderous regime of Kabila.


On the night of 26-27 September 2016, a group of three armed men apparently from security services of the country entered the domicile of Mr Tonton Lembelembe in Lemba, a suburb of Kinshasa. They were looking for documents reffered to as “archives” as they told his wife Mrs Marie MURANGWEME. The husband was absent at the time of the group’s arrival. They neutralized the wife. They asked the whereabout of her husband. Since he was no where to be found, one of the men instructed the wife to direct him in the bedroom for further search of documents. It seemed those documents were so important for a case that none of them revealed. Unfortunately, the man who walked with the wife in the bedroom took advantage and time to rape her warning if she screems, she would be killed.


After the forfeit, the three men left the house while telling the wife to pass the message to the husband. The raper said he did it to send a strong message to the husband about those archives. Mme Marie was left bleeding. It was later on established in the hospital that she lost her pregnancy by the violence of rape and fears around all the development of events.


An official letter sent to the public prosecutor for the matter. A case of rape  as opened as well. Up to now, the three men are not identified. This is one of the sad stories of many people in Congo. Rape is a way to put people under fear, the humiliate opponents and punish activists as well. Shall this seek a greater attention among people and organisation that fight for women and civil liberty.