It was a colorful event at from the start with Cries of joy and
presence of several men of God and various Lingala speaking, Francophone churches
and others in the hall.
Other Christian singers also responded to the Invitation to support Denis Ngonde who is so appreciated by many of the Faithful Christians simply because he plays good gospel music Able to bring God’s people in the presence of the Lord through worship and praise.
The event was hosted by 3 major Congolese Media of Jo’burg, to mention:
Annyta Thako from Raga TV Channel, Julie from Mirador TV and Papa Boss Bangila….
The atmosphere was “Total” in the hall. The people were very patient to see their star expressing himself through his Songs.
He would informs us that his daughter who now sings with him will marry in
December and that any contribution to the success of the event will be welcomed…
On Saturday 3 October 2009, He will perform in the city of Durban this will be
his last concert before he he heads back to his country the Republic
Congo, and finally on Sunday 04 Octobre 2009 He will perform in Jo’burg at the
Heirs of Promise Sanctuary which is led by the Apostle Gabriel Veyi …
He will take his plane for the Congo as from the 08th of October 2009.
May God bless all men of God who have supported whether directly or indirectly
the artist during his stay in South Africa!
Courage and Good Luck to Pastor Mwanza, Pastor Blaise and
evangelist Matou and his wife Mireille who had produced the concert
and had the opportunity to welcome Denis Ngonde in
him. And thank you to Papa Petrole and his wife Mother Bobette as well as
the workers at Salao de beleza for their hospitality!
An advice for “Word Of Life”
We personally thank this organization because it is the whole Congolese Community
residenting in South Africa who make use of their production stage.
Also, we ask them to reconsider the hours of concert because it people are not given enough time to prepare themselves to attend the concert especially that it is on Sunday just after the Hours of services …
And finally we wish everyone good things in all your
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