It is a total car crash in DRC! The country has never been through such tumultuous paths since Noël Tshiani went public with his project proposal, relating to terms and conditions of accessing to certain state sovereign functions, such as the Presidency of the Republic, The Presidency of the Senate, the National Assembly, Prime Minister, Army Chief of Staff, the General Commissioner of the National Police, the Governor of the Central Bank and certain ministries, particularly , Foreign Affairs, Budget, Civil Service, Finances and Interior. Even Nyiragongo volcanic eruption and its doldrums failed to put off hubbub and din resulting from the proposal, leaving displaced populations to fend for themselves as much as possible, flee a raging volcano and its roaring larvae, with ironically, Rwanda as a saver.
Tshiani was candidate in the 2018 presidential election; today he has the Republic crumbling over him like a house of cards. Former employee of Morgan Chase and the World Bank in the USA, the native of Ngandajikla in Lomami, Greater Kasai, not without courage, multiplies conferences and meetings in order to provide details on the essence of his proposal. He harangues crowds and dispatches his positions like peanuts on social media. Stubborn as a Tétéla, boastful and talkative like a true Demulu, Dr Noël Tshiani walks stoically with no hint of backing down.
Economist Graduate, Dr Tshiani never mentioned the term CONGOLITY in his project or speeches, only perfidious minds use it to poison Congolese public opinion. Although this term is a carbon copy of Ivoirity (sadly), Dr. Tshiani’s proposal, on the other hand, does not strip anyone of their Congolese nationality. Should it be acquired by the right of the soil even for a citizen born on the Congolese territory of foreign parents (which extends to boats, trains, planes, embassies belonging to the DRC), naturalization and adoption, the person enjoys all rights and fulfills duties as Congolese. Save for those who have acquired another nationality from countries bordering DRC. The experience revealed that the porosity of Congolese borders will have allowed many nationals from these countries to be in DRC in a notorious illegality. A moratorium would be applied for the time being before things get done properly.
Tshiani’s proposal promotes the primacy of the ORIGINALITY for people with Congolese nationality to fulfill state positions listed above. For the author of the proposal, it is paramount to be of CONGOLESE FATHER and MOTHER in order to claim exercising such duties and prerogatives conferred upon above positions.
Such a provision will have been mentioned in the electoral law of the Republic of Zaire. The cohorts of the Mobutu regime ratified in Article 7 of the same law that: “Can only be a candidate for President of the Republic of Zaire a Congolese of origin; born of Congolese FATHER and MOTHER”. The Lusaka, Sun City and Pretoria I, II Agreements had resulted in the co-option of all populations residing throughout the Congolese national territory as being Congolese holistically. Imbroglios which followed this cowardice are a sizeable quibble in Professor Tshiani’s mission. Common sense makes it possible to understand that this proposal is rich in terms of safeguarding Congolese national interests. Who would forget that in DRC, the current Rwandan Minister of Defense- James Kaberebe was Chief of Staff of FARDC, Bizima Kahara-Minister of Foreign Affairs, and others like Deo Gratias Bugera had negatively decided on the future of the DRC? This infiltration at the top of the state hierarchy would by no means be a repeat. The DRC is said to have beaten the dust in the Minembwe affair while some army officers, once Congolese, find themselves in the Rwandan army or define themselves as Rwandans. Bosco Ntanganda confessed at the ICC to being Rwandan and not Congolese after Nkundabatware, Ruhihombe, Makenga saw the DRC as their jackpot. Enough! DRC has been subjugated to its spinal cord; it is in this strategic theme that Noël Tshiani is fighting tooth and nails in order to free the country from this notorious vassalage.
Dr Noël Tshiani endeavours’ harshness will double in magnitude, as it is true that there is still a long way to go. The proposal should be cast into a bill of law and defended by Honorable members of the Parliament during plenaries before it is voted into the law. The new law would then be enforceable once the President of the Republic will have signed the ordinance of its enactment. The referendum route is not excluded either in the event that the Parliament retracts from fulfilling its prerogatives.
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