Whether they had been in favourable or unfavourable position, applications by Ahmed Ould Yahya and Patrice Motsepe for the election to the position of CAF President could not be approved by FIFA unilaterally; bypassing powers of the Confederation of African Football authorities, insofar as they were subject to a re-examination on January 28, 2021 by the CAF Governance Committee, since Jacques Anouma and Augustin Senghor candidatures had obtained their approval in December 2020. It is the bombast of ingenious interference in the management of football confederation affairs to which FIFA was not invited. Gianni’s arrogance is mounting and his relative contempt for the non-observance of instruments that govern FIFA and CAF, reinforce and expand his imperium riddled with illegal and illegitimate conquests to establish his hegemony.
“I will not accept lessons in good governance from people who have failed to protect football and FIFA”, echoed FIFA President at the opening of 67th Congress of the body in May 2017. An excellent master is not necessarily a formidable competitor; with Infantino, there is no point between theory and practice when he manages to change from rooster to donkey with frenzied versatility. It is mind-boggling that CAF accepts FIFA’s tutelage without firing a shot. Without breaking the code of silence or maybe it is by accidental inadvertence, it is futile to believe in the supremacy of Gianni who owes all his victories as FIFA president, to this foolishly immature Africa, in large part. He is ready to repeat his cheating tricks in a continental football body with football training vest too big for his small shoulders, in the election to be held on March 12th in Rabat. It is not about you, Mr Gianni Infantino, but the attention which surrounds your personality which pushes Africa to halt your ambitions to controlling African football and meet your unsatisfied desires.
If Africa is able to have one of its worthy daughters, the Gambian Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor of the all-powerful ICC in The Hague (she will be replaced by Karim Khan); if an African from Cote d’Ivoire, Tidiane Thiam, the gifted international finance man, was able to lead Credit Suisse, if this Africa can afford Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, a Nigerian female, newly appointed General Director of WTO (World Trade Organization), if Africa had a Malian Cheick Modibo Diarra, astrophysicist at NASA; if Africa, has a Congolese surgeon, Dr Muyembe who was able to develop the medico-scientific premises for a treatment against Ebola hemorrhagic fever; if Africa is able to abound in its midst a physicist called Repairer of Women, Dr Denis Mukwege from the DRC as well as Boutros Boutros Ghali from Egypt and Ghanaian Koffi Annan at the United Nations; all in the pantheon of glory for African Reference- Personalities who have left indelible imprints in the annals of the African Renewal in order to meet up with the famous Giving and Receiving Rendezvous, concept advocated, urbi et orbi, by the late President- poet Léopold Sédar Senghor, himself, a former African luminary at the Académie Française, how much more would one think that this same Africa would procrastinate to align and elect, on its own initiative, a candidate for the same to defend the virtues and achievements of CAF as well as to ensure its autonomy and independence.
Dangerous alliances do not prevail when the order givers use their power to gain trust and impose a dictatorship like no other. This paradox of the ambiguous and twisted social relationship from its inception leads to the social-professional bond, a living fundamental notion to ensuring relationship between individuals, whether virtual or real, that may become illusory for a living together burdened with heavy remorse, when the stronger uses the weaker in order to satisfy their wishes, without worrying about the well-being of their alter ego. Today Ahmad Ahmad and Constant Omari are paying a heavy price. They are seated on two ejection chairs, operable at any time, to send them wandering in the firmament of a horizon of nothingness devoid of a pedestal for their shock absorption. They thought Infantino provides guarantee, but it proved to be a sandy and volatile confidence in Gianni Infantino in the early hours, they did not fear the espionage of which CAF was the object; they have come to realize that Infantino has strongly destabilized the governance of CAF institution. This is the result of a slow deterioration in their relationship orchestrated by the FIFA establishment, especially its president.
As the means justify the ending, Ahmad Ahmad was buoyantly joyful and reflected ease, especially in the plump palms of Gianni Infantino. The timing was just perfect in Addis Ababa in 2017 to get rid of an era in which Issa Hayatou reigned supreme. As the latter did not vote for Infantino, he resented him until he pulled the strings against his re-election. However, according to Josimars Magazine in Norway, it turned out that there were numerous indications that the FIFA president had meddled in the elections at CAF level, which violates article 19 of the FIFA statutes. , which states:
“9.1 Each member association manages its affairs independently and without undue influence from third parties.
19.2 The bodies of a member association are either elected or appointed to this association. The statutes of a member association must provide for a democratic procedure guaranteeing full independence of election or appointment. ”
Issa Hayatou had raised the question, before and after the presidential election at CAF in 2017 – whether the president of FIFA had intervened improperly in the elections of a confederal body, which violates FIFA’s own statutes. In early 2019, an amendment, signed by Ahmad, was added to the initial agreement that CAF had entered into with Lagardère in 2015. CAF agreed to take on $6.7 million in arrears unpaid by the multimedia production company, LC2 owned by Christian Lagnidé, former minister in his native Benin, which was owed to Lagardère, i.e. part of a global debt of $19.2 million owed – mainly to CAF – by this company based in Benin. CAF was to buy back this bad debt from Lagardère at face value, despite the fact that LC2 had already defaulted on its payments on several occasions. The Lagardère contract lapsed, CAF is bloodless. Infantino rubs his hands once more, “Sugar Daddy” will fork money out of his pocket to bail out a financially stuck institution, CAF, from the abyss. In the absence of trivial actions, timing is just perfect to push Infantino pawns forward; Patrice Motsepe from South Africa and Mauritanian Ahmed Ould Yahya to oust Ahmad and his contingent. It is true that in order to become a king, one must dethrone the reigning king; but not at any price as some candidates for the presidency of CAF play the game of the manipulator sitting in the Swiss Alps. He is sucking CAF; he cuts CAF’s main financial windfall Lagardère, and made it vulnerable and hungry, so that it begs for help and financial assistance from him; an opportune moment to manipulate CAF before throwing bread crumbs at it for survival. This is the modus operandi by the Shepherd Infantino towards his Herd – the CAF.
A few days before the election of March 12th, 2021 in Rabat, Patrice Motsepe is no longer the preferred candidate and right hand man in Infantino books. Ahmed Yahya, 44, the boss of FFRIM, enjoys Gianni Infantino favours, and he is now in pole position. This justifies his application approval without it having been re-examined as planned by the Governance Committee. As in 2017 for Ahmad’s election, it’s time to deploy heavy artillery in Yahya’s campaign – banknotes, bundles of Euros and Dollars, insolently rude luxuriant 5 Star hotels, watches like Graff Diamonds, Chopard, Vacheron Constantin Kallaniaet brands as well as escort girls to embellish and enhance celebrations for the Mauritanian victory preemptively. Infantino is counting his chickens before they are hatched when it comes to CAF elections, especially since this body is committed to his cause. Astonishing that Gianni Infantino is not worried by justice neither from afar nor from near, in view of the foregoing. Will someone turns to the FBI once more, to take care of FIFA crap and dunces?
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