The servants of God of French revival churches in South Africa are taking the right initiative to try to meet after the meeting they are organizing. The idea that motivated this initiative is unity in Christ Jesus who is the sole Lord of all and the only guide. The servants of God were able to answer the question of just why they are not united.
As in any circumstances it takes courage to start things, Pastor Mike Lwambwa chaired the meeting of Congolese men of God who are working in the fields of the Lord in the Republic of South Africa. These communities they manage work and perform religious activities in French because of communion with the huge Congolese community that should not feel abandoned if the custom and other means to pray to the Lord.
The meeting was held at Word of Life church of the Reverend Pastor Kipa at Kenmere cnr Francis Street on May 13, 2010. The speakers, in addition to the specific, in this case Apostle Gabriel Veyi who focuses his teaching on the written word in the Gospel according to Saint Luke 5, 1-5 in themed: Try again.
As to the Apostle Theo Muka, he had the burden to speak on behalf of all the ministers of God gathered in this meeting.
This great example of men of God who gather to promote unity and development of the awakening churches and God’s people around the world is a challenge for all Congolese of all walks of life and different backgrounds. Unity always being a goal to set by this act the renewed Church also wants to teach everyone and all those who claim being of Christ, the value to be closer to other brothers and sisters. Materials goods and conflicts have been pinpointed mostly as the root of ills that plague the lives of churches. At certain levels, the awakening Congolese Church has a reputation that leaves desired despite the efforts being made by at the there in the Congo by some other servants of God.
The message setting today from South Africa is a good example to follow that can incorporate many aspects which increasingly will help improve the atmosphere of prayer and praise in the assembling of God.
To show that this initiative will not be a dead letter, on May 26 they held another meeting to answer some practical questions and whose echoes will greatly influence the lives of Christian revival church in South Africa
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