The Christians have expressed their gratitude to the gospel singer who, during his whole life devoted himself to the work of God through songs
Before Denis Ngonde performance at Word of Life , the evangelist led a few minute of worship at the church Heirs of Promeses Sanctuary led by the man of God Apostle Gabriel Veyi who would ask the believers to attend massively and support Denis Ngode’s concert, and those who would not have the opportunity of attending but are aware of being blessed by the songs of Denis Ngonde may contribute with offerings. ” The word of the man of God had been well received by the members and they
attended a great and unique concert of its kind in the church Word of Life..
After the concert at Word of Life Denis Ngonde perforemed in Durban a city that is
one hour flight from Johannesburg, on he came back via Johannesburg before returning to Kinshasa, being grateful in his turn he perforemed at Heirs of Sancturary Church to the great surprise of the brethren , contrary to his habits the man of God preached for only five minutes and left the rest of the time of the service to the singer of the Lord to bless the assembly through wonderful songs that are usually nostalgic
Denis Ngonde:
I give glory to God for this journey we have made that had there mission: firstly because evangelical for souls had been won to the Lord in Pretoria, Johannesburg and Durban, secondly we have received materials for the studio, and finally we produced two albums, shot clips, the churches received us very well on this, we thank Rev. Mwanza, and special thanks to the Apostle Gabril Veyi and his wife Mother Lydia Veyi and the church sanctuary of heirs of promises … I would be ungrateful if I did not thank Alain Matundu and all Christians and Congolese peoples in South Africa
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