UREC Union for reconstruction of the Congo is a dear party to
Dr. Oscar Kashala currently living in the USA and was introduced to the Congolese population during the last presidential election in the DRC.
He who wants to go far must get his horse ready as the saying goes, On the 28/03/09 the setting ceremony of the committee of the federation-UREC took place in Southern Africa
Maranatha Church of johannesburg around 17h50.
It’s through a prayer of a man of God Pastor Daniel Muteba from Bethel that
activity started and after the national anthem there was an opening word from the
moderator of the day who introduced the federal president, Mr David
Kalombo, who in his turn thanked the guests and participants by going through the History and Structure of the UREC, reading of the project, company and
the official members of the Federal;
What is encouraging is that the federal president has asked to the Congolese
around the world use their intelligence, wisdom or knowledge to
the rebuild a new Congo in the sacrifice and unity.
There was the presence of businessman, representatives of
political parties and civil society with the participation of men
God and others.
“We are pleased with the ceremony, but we regret much the departure of
Dr. Oscar Kashala for the USA, we are asking him to return home for a good
follow up of the population that he will have to lead in the coming days ”
“UREC has to find a way to grow for during the elections it got a lot of votes thanks to UDPS ”
“Congolese political parties must speak the same language and give
suggestions to the central government for the good of the DRC ”
Responses of the president David Kalombo:
UREC does not exist for a category of political parties, it is loved by
population as a new wave, but we try and always work in
respect for others and our seniors.
To now more about Docta David Kalombo
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