Countries worldwide are shamefully awed by Rwanda military invasion of the Democratic Republic of Congo in its Eastern provinces. France is the only one to carry Kagame’s voice internationally; becoming Rwanda’s spokesperson in the process. It is even worse within the European Union whenever France talks about and defends Rwanda vehemently. The DRC’s aggression by the Rwandan Defense Force on January 26, 2025, coupled with indiscriminate killings among civilians in Goma, outraged the whole world save for France. In the hours following the blitz on Goma, Emmanuel Macron dispatched his Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Jean-Noël Barrot, to meet with Fatshi in order to convince the Congolese President to enter into talks with M23 and AFC. Another assumption sustains that the French envoy begged Félix Antoine Tshisekedi to pen down an agreement for the exploitation of coltan, with another relating to gas extraction in Lake Kivu on behalf of France. The evidence of such decision by the French government relayed by Jean-Noël Barrot was proven by the temporary withdrawal of Rwandan troops from Bukavu before their comeback. Fasthi Béton stuck to his decision never to sit at the same table with the executioners sent by Kagame to massacre his people and plunder their resources. Such stance shook Macron angrily.
The killings have continued in Bukavu where Rwandan army, alongside its M23 and AFC auxiliaries, massacred women, children, young and old without any condemnation from the United Nations whose charter advocates the non-aggression principle. Calls for de-escalation have multiplied since then but landed in deaf ears, with no cessation of hostilities in sight. France sees the refusal by the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mr Félix Antoine Tshisekedi, to sit and talk with M23 and AFC, as an insult. Not long ago, the very France was sent packing by the Sahel countries: Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali, from West Africa – Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, as well as by Chad in Central Africa, Therefore France vowed to hanging on like a banknote filament so as not to lose her economic grip over the DRC for her own advantage at all coasts. The country led by President Tshisekedi is in the middle, distancing French interests managed by Total in Congo Brazzaville from her oil explorations underway at Murchison Falls in Uganda.

Jean-Noël Barrot: French Minister of Foreign Affairs and Europe
This Central African country covering more than 2,400,000 km2, is the target of attacks for its underground riches, lake, river, forest and timber wealth. As a result, DRC attracts covetousness. These clumsily obsessive desires result in people being slaughtered with massive displacement of the latter, driven from their lands by warlords financed by big Western purses which in return, pay them back with left-overs from the financial manna through human rights entities and NGOs funding – Filimbi, Lucha etc. cannot pretend to tell it otherwise. Advocacies hurled by the head of Congolese diplomacy, the Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Francophonie, Mrs Wagner Kayikwamba Thérèse, to the United Nations, the European Union, the Bundestag (German Parliament) and elsewhere are unanswered. Privileging diplomacy to preserve the lives of Rwandans (although they do kill in DRC) and the Congolese’s, is not a weakness, rather humanism sanctification accomplished by DRC, a country which devotes a total sacredness to human life. Rwanda, a UN member, is one of the countries that contributes to the UN peacekeeping force in the world, but it flouts the principles that govern this institution. France was resolutely in a mood to illicitly own the DRC strategic wealth, regardless of consequences as long as she is well armed and has consequential coercive means. Eric Vidaud, the former head of the DRM – French Military Intelligence, was tasked with assisting the Rwandan army with intelligence for the upcoming DRC invasion. Failing to warn France about imminent war in Ukraine, cost him his job.

Congolese people heroes, so does claim Nangaa, have wrecked havoc in Goma during their murderous entry, more than 10,000 dead according to the Red Cross who still account for decomposed corpses on daily basis. A strange way of speaking on behalf of the people they do kill and whom the plan to lead the next day. However, in Bukavu, there were no clashes or battles fought, but M23 and AFC supported by Kagame’s army continue to killing women and children in most cases. It is prima facie evidence that the primary objective of this barbaric incursion under the pretext of the Rwandan army hunting down FDLR to secure their border with DRC, is a fallacious quibble. The question remains unanswered about what remains of these FDLR, more than 30 years later. To date, mass graves, one of which with more than 1,000 dead, have been discovered in Bukavu. The real motives lie in the balkanization of what it is falsely named in agreements with CNDP in 2009 and with M23 in 2013 – DISASTER ZONE to install an extractive industry therein with the help of the European Union. Also, expansionist aspirations for the establishment of the Hyma Tutsi empire that Kagame dreams about before his death, are grafted onto the minerals for perfect autonomy. Indigenous populations’ extermination in these areas and their replacement by Tutsi population justifies the slaughtering of Congolese lives by Rwandan forces with such a brutality enhanced by repeated rapes beyond human reasoning. Rwanda and Paul Kagame want to destabilize the established order in DRC by implementing their own, strongly Tutsi-flavoured one.
France’s involvement in the Rwandan-Congolese conflict led by M23 and AFC is proven by the massive shipment of heavy French weaponry to RDF in exchange for monitoring France’s (Total) oil and gas infrastructure in Mozambique. France did provide to Rwanda with military equipment to jam communications, disrupting air navigation for commercial flights in the East. Such an undertaking hindered exchanges between pilots and the control tower. Through its position as European Union No. 2 nation behind Germany, France convinced EU members to contribute to the substantial financial package to benefiting Kagame’s country. The day after the signing of the famous EU-Rwanda agreement for strategic resources, it took just a few months for the capture of Bunangana by M23 as first stop before proceeding to Rubaya, the cradle of Coltan ore. However, the world, including France, is well informed that Rwanda does not produce a single gram of such mineral. As an alternative, it was deemed necessary to equip Rwanforces with war material made in France to enable it protecting Rwandan companies exploiting columbite-tantalite ore (coltan) from Rubaya in Masisi as well as cassiterite. The head of the DGSE – French intelligence, did set up his office in Kigali to providing the country with a cutting edge military intelligence. France allocated to Kigali premises within Elysée for the sharing of intelligence about forthcoming attacks in DRC’s Goma and Bukavu. Since interests are not the only reason for France’s protection of Rwanda, Napoleon country is afraid that old demons from her misdeeds in Rwanda during the so-called genocide will resurface in the public eye to haunt her eternally.
The current geopolitical context justifies France’s stance; the war for supremacy over resources having been well launched, powerful nations are in a frantic quest to impose the law of the strongest, even by forceps. Rapidly , Russians and Americans will agree to end the war in Ukraine without Russia returning to Ukraine conquered territories in Donbass. Donbass is a part of Ukraine well-endowed with strategic resources and the United Europe has never accepted it to be under Russian influence. Europe is in troubled waters with regard to the shortage of Russian gas which is no longer supplied to them. Currently some EU countries are supplied by India which buys its gas from Russia, then it will resell it at triple the price to enriching itself. Cleverly, India buys it cheaper from the Russians. After having supported Ukraine for so long and embezzled its money (including France), the EU has lost on the deal. It is almost impossible for them to benefit from Ukraine after having supported it during the war through NATO. The new American administration headed by Donald Trump has subtlety defeated European Union and crucified their greedy appetites. This is the reason France wants at all costs to exploit Congolese gas reserves in Lake Kivu as well as coltan and other raw materials much sought after through its proxy, Rwanda.
The geopolitical sphere driven by interests sees USA, Russia and China forming a new global economic corridor. Donald Trump, who no longer wants the EU, seeks to profit his country from the new economic roads. As for the Congolese, this is a huge and great opportunity – it is about time to boycott France economic interests in DRC through Orange, telecommunications operator, Air France, Canal +, Bolloré etc … and the closure of embassies on both sides. The country’s exit from Francophonie would be a blow to French culture throughout the world. It is insane to have a former Rwandan minister heading Francophonie since Rwanda is a Commonwealth country. Like a maid caressing a child, DRC is always taken care of like an infant with melodious words such as the country is the first one in Francophonie by its size, by its population and by the number of people who speak French with no tangible benefits in return. Like a pyromaniac, it is France who has set the fire on DRC through her proxy and she is also the first one to claim to having nothing to do with what is happening therein when asked about her accountability.
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