March 10, 2025


here for you

Nanan Lukezo, Second concert on behalf of « SOS KIVU »

Hello sister Nana,
1. How are you doing? It was reported few weeks ago that you are still mother, tell us a bit.

Really! I do not know that you have this information, my little girl is only 7 months now, I know God said be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth, but he said it for everyone, not only Lukezo Nana. I did my part and I am extremely pleased with the children that the Lord gave me; I now devote myself to the education of my children and my musical career totally without maternity leave. I have Jériel who is 8 years old, Nathan 6 years old, Quentin-Lael 2 years old and Eunice is seventh month old. The information that I was a mum again; I really do not know where it is coming from. Because my husband and I have decided to have or stop with at four children. It is time now to devote to their education. However I thank the Lord for these wonderful gifts.

2. And after you are back to the scene, how many concerts have you had after maternity?

This is my second concert, the first having taken place on the 12th December 2008 in Ninove under “SOS KIVU” a series of concerts on behalf of Médecins Sans Frontières to financially support the activities of MSF in the Kivus ( and here I am preparing a concert in Brussels on the 16th May 2009, apart from that, I have several benefits as a guest in concerts on May 09 in Liège Gospel Session, conventions, Paris, Hamburg, Rotterdam, and other activities… My passion is music and I do for my Saviour; I cannot dissociate the two. After the concert of 16 May in Brussels, I am going to plan concert in Paris, London, Manchester, and etc. for the glory of the Lord. Nana Lukezo travels a lot; it is true that the media do not have information as I travel often to many international festivals.

3. Is your SOS Goma concert a way to pay tribute to your people?

SOS KIVU is a series of concerts to benefit Doctors without Borders. The Bible recommends us to not tire of doing good, that’s why I am free to that question the talent or gift that I received from the Lord so free, and I believe this verse of the Bible often used wrongly in term of its real meaning. We want to raise awareness of the Congolese and Friends of the Congo on what is happening in the DR Congo and especially the humanitarian catastrophe (crisis) and nobody speaks. That is why I make the SOS concert KIVU that we sing the really on the ground there. Being in the heart of Europe that we talk about this unjust war that was imposed to the peoples of the region.

4. Is it true that you are originally from Kivu or Eastern DRC?

Laugh. Why are you asking me this question? No, I am not from the eastern DRC. It could be better for you to ask Lukezo Lua Nsi, my father this question? Is there any relevance to be concerned about what is happening in Eastern DRC? No, I do not think so, all Congolese should feel concerned. To answer your question, I am of Lower Congo (Bas-Congo), as my father Lukezo Lua Nsi. My name is Lukezo Vuvu, since that means “HOPE”, I have a message of hope.

5. It’s good to think of his origin or his country, when are you planning to return home, because last year you had announced some concerts for your promotion in Kinshasa and even Lubumbashi, where are you about it?

You know, there is an old saying that goes:”man proposes and God disposes”. We always think to come to the DRC for promo concerts,  but all the proposals that we received at the time were not successful, these are the reasons why I am not coming as planned, I had planned to spend time with family, it will be 7 years since I haven’t seen my father and my mother, I am very attached to my parents, but I will be giving birth soon , my doctor advised not to and the company with which I had to travelled did not accept to me  take on board. But the Lord will pardon, I will go for one day to Kinshasa, according to His will. But for now I’ll travel the world by wearing the colors of my country. Another thing, we do not have the necessary structures to make this promo in our country, the dissemination of musical works is weak … There are many problems that the country needs to restructure.

To be continued…

6. Out of sight near to the heart, what does that inspire you when it comes to the DRC your country?

For now sadness and desolation, seeing what is happening right now, the month of women, how many are still abused today, you know when you follow the stories of abused women in eastern DRC, you could not remain indifferent, I wonder how our authorities are, it is sad to see what is happening there. I would like to return to Kinshasa for one or two concerts, you know I made several concert in Kinshasa before joining my husband, one of the first concert by a Christian artist without pretension, I think it is I who had him brought at Cinemax at the time in February 2002, it is a pride for me to see that after this there were many other concerts. And if I come today to do even better than the first time with the Lord’s help, I am preparing a short time. But it is not only Kinshasa, I’d like to visit the people of the East, Goma, Bukavu also Lubumbashi, … the DRC great.

7. And the month of March that is devoted entirely to women?

What woman are we speaking about? The one from the East? I only ask for what is tangible. It must first begin on the respect for women in Congo. You must see television or video clips of artists; they will devote a month to us and what next? They should be 12 months devoted to 12 months to the one who for 9 months in her life caiies a life in her. The woman is the mother of mankind. More respect for women, education for women, equality in business, …

8. The Leopards have won the championship in Africa, what is your vision because you said you Congolese women have given  opportunity to your men hence your husbands and sons?

You will find what I’m going to say as a way of woman thinking, but that victory in football what does it bring to the country?  Is it going to get people paid? That violence against women in the east will come to an end? Or that students will attend classes with dignity? I think if you want to fool the people this is how you’ll have to take. After this victory and celebrating with pomp, but officials are unpaid, I learned that each player will be given a Jeep, he will sell three days later for lack of means to maintain it … How many teachers or teacher is given a means of transport. The Government and the Presidency should stop making fun of people, they can solve real and serious problems of the population.

9. A word to the Congolese women or African diva about the month of March

I have no pretension to give lessons to anyone, but I remember a quote from Camara Ley; Black woman, African woman, I think everyone know this beautiful text on the black woman, that I dedicate this text to all black women and others, but mainly for black women, since it lends itself better.

10. Maybe we missed a question that you were expecting  

No, I think the tour is done, but I wanted to add that the nation needs all the forces, I do not have a policy and I have nothing against those in power, but we must know where the Priorities for the population lie. What the leopard have done is good, a pride for the nation, but happiness is worth only if it is shared by all, I will rejoice with them for the win, but I can not because the pain of the people of the East is is crying louder than the cries of joy and gladness, there is too much crying in this country. The soil of our country has had enough of drinking blood of its son, there are too many cries of rape, and violence that keeps me from hearing their cries of joy. We must rebuild our beautiful country on the ruins of war, make no mistake, we must rebuild on real values.

11. Thank you dear sister

My thank you for coming to me, May the Lord God watch over you