By Hypatia Jefferson
In the Twenty-First Century, women’s participation in politics helps advance gender equality and affects both the range of policy issues that get considered and the types of solutions that are proposed. Preparing for her electoral campaign, Madame Nephtalie Idia, former Provincial Minister of Urbanism and Habitat in Kinshasa, and former Minister of Public Services in Kinshasa, focuses her organization in compiling its existing resources into a winning digital marketing campaign strategy by focusing on three key campaign elements: campaign objectives, audience, and key messaging.
Given current situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the next elections in December will be very interesting in choosing actors that will decide the fate of the nation for the next 5years to come. There is a need for applying and abiding by democratic principles. Madame Nephtalie Idia believes that factors that lead to the debate about democracy are: economic development and modernization theory, classes, cleavages and alliances, rulers’ need for taxation, Inequality and democracy, natural resources, values and religion, education, and social capital and civil society. The legislative elections in the country of Lumummba, Etienne Tshisekedi, Kimbangu, Malula and Mulele will portray that democracy has various forms like direct and indirect democracy but the most commonly found is indirect democracy which is also known as representative democracy where the people elect the Representative for their country for a fixed Time Period. She will work with the same energy other world figures demonstrated such as Condoleezza Rice, Kamala Harris, Christine Lagarde and Winnie Mandela.
Madam Nephtalie Idia’s secondary motivation to run for elections comes also from the fact that t economy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has declined drastically around the 1980s, despite being home to vast potential in natural resources and mineral wealth; their gross domestic product is $69.474 billion as of 2023. $69.474 billion (nominal, 2023 est.) $147.348 billion (PPP, 2023 est.). The largest country in Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is “among the five poorest nations in the world.” Political instability, humanitarian crises, and conflict have aided the fact that 64% of all Congolese lived under the poverty line in 2021. Minimum Wage The minimum wage in Democratic Republic of Congo is 1680 CDF per day. 13th Salary Not required by law. General Working Hours The workweek is capped at 45 hours or eight hours… Overtime Overtime is capped at 12 hours a week or 144 hours. Children’s lives are being turned upside down as they leave behind their homes and schools. They face violence, hunger and disease every day. Families have lost their livelihoods and children no longer have access to medical care or education. Drone footage of displacement camps in DRC. Up to 52% of women in DRC are survivors of domestic violence and 39% of Congolese women report having being threatened or injured. 27% of women in DRC are victims of harmful traditional practices. Democratic Republic of Congo unemployment rate for 2022 was 4.99%, a 0.13% decline from 2021. Democratic Republic of Congo unemployment rate for 2021 was 5.11%, a 0.01% decline from 2020.
For those reasons, the population of Tshangu District in the Eastern part of Kinshasa put trust on a candidate that has clean sheet experience in politics, public administration and governance. They choose the heart of a mother who will care for them. Madam Nephtalie Idia has distinguished academic curriculum, Christian and philanthropist in underprivileged communities of Tshangu. She stands against corruption, marginalization and depravation of social values. She is in the list published by CENI lately confirming candidates approved to run for seats in national parliament.
Madam Nephtalie Idia is calling upon all the electorate of Tshangu to vote for her because she represents their chance to put truly one of their own in National Assembly. Therefore, the interest of people living in Ndjili, Masina, Nsele, Maluku and Kimbanseke will be well protected. If you registered in Tshangu, for change and evolution in your social life, vote Nephgtalie Idia.
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