Mr. Venant Mambumina is a Congolese cameraman and director, AMAGEP member in the media department, who found a way to immigrate here in South Africa. In his media company, he has adopted the philosophy of debate, investigation and social life that concern people living in the Democratic Republic of Congo as well as the Congolese diaspora in South Africa. In most of the circumstances surrounding his innovation in the media, Mr. Venant Mambumina has managed to promote freedom of expression among participants in his television shows and presentations shared on the Internet where his Wife Mrs. Christel Kabwika Tanga is also involved.
The lack of tolerance among the viewers led to jealousy, tyranny and hostility that affected the lives of the latter and his family. Since Both are members of AMAGEP, they brought a show called “Christel Show” in which they were enlightening issues that affect foreigners in South Africa. Practically, they investigate on reasons and sources of xenophobic attacks in South Africa, particularly in Johannesburg.
Following xenophobia wave from 1 to 5 September 2019 in Johannesburg, Mrs. Christel Kabwika Tanga as a Congolese refugee in South Africa tried to dig on motivations beyond Xenophobia. She aired many questions regarding the situation. As a result of that, people expressed their opinions mainly the victims of xenophobia. As tension is still high around this topic and given that most foreign nationals in South Africa are not at the forefront of the debate on xenophobia, Mrs. Tanga’s interviews and videos have triggered attacks on her personal life. Her experience is turned into clandestinity in order to save the lives of her entire family as she became a potential target. This is linked to a sabotage at Yeoville market on 21st of June 2022 where her shop was torched along with many other foreigners stands and shops. This was a very tragic moment for the family.

On the 12th July 2022, the same group of people protesting as members of anti-immigrant groups called “Operation Dudula” broke into Mr. Mambumina’s home to harm his family after the market burned. They found Mrs Tanga and the two daughters at home in the absence of Mr Mambumina. So vulnerable, she was injured attempted to protect the girls from being raped. Thanks to good Neighbors who came to their rescue and managed to save them from these assailants. This family remains to this day living in fear.
As a reminder the mentioned “Operation Dudula” is an initiative of people claiming to be nationalists who want to see all black foreigners leave South Africa. They periodically attack the businesses of black foreigners in urban centers and in the suburbs of major cities. This group demands that the South African government revoke the refugee permits of black foreigners and that no one of all black foreigners be engaged in a business in South Africa. They also attack foreigners in hospitals, schools and neighborhoods.
The case of Mr. Mambumina and his family requires the involvement of people to tackle it once for the family and in the name of democracy.
Right now, an entire family is living in fear of being attacked if Dudula protesters still identify their address.
According to the understanding of universal rights, torture is morally reprehensible in nature because all forms of torture “involve the intentional infliction of extreme physical suffering on a consentless and defenceless person”, although it does not necessarily follow that torture is reprehensible in all circumstances. Torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for the purpose of obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act which he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed.
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