March 9, 2025


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Professor Serge Tshibangu: The Republic Genius Wonder Kid

In their popular imagination, the past regime former authorities saw the Congolese people as vegetative beings, devoid of refinement. Félix Antoine Tshisekedi has never been of this opinion. The portrait he draws of the DRC as well as of its people is revealing in many respects. Félix Antoine  testifies in the first place to a change of mentality towards the DRC on the part of the people, at a time when the dictatorial and killer power of Kabilie is disappearing, and when the sovereign people will reign without fear in their stomachs from being prosecuted ex nihilo, nor justification, without fear of physical eliminations, nor sprinkling of tear gas nor other sit-ins.

The path taken by the President of the Republic does not arise from nothing. It is the result of well-matured reflections over the years by a host of scholars appointed to put the DRC back on the track of self-autonomy, an ideally indispensable springboard for emergence and development. In this galaxy of scholars for the Republic, there is a man, this Genius Wonder Kid of the Republic: Professor Serge Tshibangu Kabeya.

Serge Tshibangu is a lecturer at the School of Natural and Applied Sciences at Sol Plaatje University in Kimberley, South Africa. He is currently undertaking his doctoral research in chemical and metallurgical engineering. Serge holds a Masters in Electrical and Information Engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. This university is the second ranked in Africa and it is among the best in the world as well. He holds a specialization in international commercial law from the University of Bern, Switzerland. Professor Serge Tshibangu holds international certifications in IBM Cloud Computing and Enterprise Architecture Framework (TOGAF 9). He focuses his research for his PhD on “The Cohabitation between Astronomical Advantage Zones and Oil and Gas Producing Activities for Sustainable Development within the 9 African Partner Countries that will eventually host the SKA Telescope Stations”. Apart from this highly strategic research, the other areas of interest for the Professor remain oil and gas production activities, the processing and administration of Big Data, the cloud and high performance computing, as well as advanced mathematical modeling and cryptography.

For a long time, the DRC suffered from the glaring lack of geniuses capable of supporting strategies for development, over time. This creative genius of the caliber of Serge Tshibangu was nailed in the closets of feasibility studies’ offices and in the policy’s dungeons with refractory omission. Even though there might be some, it was purposely silenced so as never to hatch. The Beau Génie Serge Tshibangu has sharpened his weapons so much to be available and a slave of the Congolese nation, then it was time to accompany the new President of the Republic. A state bruised by 54 years of silent outbreaks and the cult of personality without opening up horizons. Active member of the commission for the development of the new university program and Bachelor of Science graduate, Professor Serge is a former coordinator of the bachelor’s program in data science. Professor of Algebra 1, Engineering Physics, Discrete Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Signal and Systems for Applied Calculation, this galvanizing character, is a scholar of teaching-related activities, and the development of new academic programs. He performs administrative tasks related to teaching and learning. The career of Serge Tshibangu is fleshed out with feats as grandiose as himself; A lecturer at the Tshwane University  of Technology in Pretoria, capital of the Republic of South Africa since 2013, he remains responsible for tuitions in computer management and basic mathematics. Also, Serge is a Lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand since 2010, while continuing research in artificial intelligence on the drivers’ fatigue system. He also supervises the Graduate Program and is a VoIP Specialist – telecommunications management and negotiations with service providers.

Beyond all his academic and university activities, the Beau Génie de la République is President of an NGO called Congo pour la Paix sans Frontières – Congo For Peace Without Borders. This non-governmental organization now totals 12 years and 10 months; it focuses on work, humanitarian and social services. Bilingual with the full command of both French and English, Serge has never forgotten the role of communities in Congolese society, which is the rationale behind his devotement when time permits in the best way he can, and he does what he can as much as possible, to assist them. This imperial panegyric is worth it, especially when it concerns a multi-talented character, as endowed with an elephantine intelligence as Professor Serge Tshibangu Kabeya himself. Special representative of the President of the Republic Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo at the EAC – the Community of East African States, Professor Serge Tshibangu is the Brainpower alongside Fatshi Béton. He played and plays a leading role in the process of peace talks in the East. Time and time again, he said, the regional force by the East African Community, already deployed in eastern DRC, should not come between the FARDC and the M23 to create buffer zone-nonmilitary. He affirms it with a grip that is unique to him only.

Serge Tshibangu is also part of the Task Force implemented by the Head of State in 2020. As a member of such a Task Force, he is Advisor to the President of the Republic. He bluntly advises the Head of State to restore the republic in all its dimensions by using the appropriate means, even if he does not expose them to the attention of the Congolese, to achieve this. But the golden age has nothing comparable to the felicities which the DRC and the world will enjoy, and will enjoy forever, as soon as the marvelous revolution started by the Chief with the assistance of his great advisers including Serge Tshibangu, will be operated . Unalterable security will reign throughout the empire of the DRC as soon as there are no more legions or praetorian cohorts under the Rwandan-Ugandan leadership. Already good morals are blooming again since the arrival of Fatshi Béton at the head of the nation, and the hopes of the people are reborn as if by magic; for republican virtue is daughter rather than mother of liberty. Professor serge is President Fatshi’s eye on how to use unlimited wisdom in the public interest. He shows him how his happiness is linked to the happiness of the citizens; he makes him hate tyranny, by continually opposing, to the virtues which reconcile him the love and admiration of the Congolese, the vices and the crimes which attracted to Kabila and his acolytes the human race execration. Like Fatshi, Serge sees the impossible return of institutions that no longer exist: he knows that he cannot go back up the torrent of ages; but the Professor thanks the gods for granting the Congolese people an accomplished President; he begs them to add to such a beautiful present the benefit of duration; while he works to perpetuate it as much as it is in him, to leaving to future leaders great lessons supported by a great example.

The Beau Génie of the Republic was recently appointed by the President of the Republic as the High Representative for the monitoring of the Luanda roadmap and the Nairobi Process. Many had mistakenly thought that he was the new coordinator of the MNS (National Mechanism for Monitoring the Addis Ababa Framework Agreement) managed by the masterful hands of Dr Claude Ibalanky Ekolomba. Serge understood, no doubt with regret, but he finally understands that the DRC, such as time, its wealth, its bad leaders of yesteryear and its vices had made it, had nothing more to wish for better than a good President, preoccupied with republican ideas which are fermenting in everyone’s head and in that of Professor Tshibangu. These ideas would open to generous illusions opportunities for unlimited careers. This would lead the people to believe that the eloquent declarations by the new leaders are as serious as they affect their future.

In addition, Serge Tshibangu Kabeya is keen on the shining image of a Congo that will aspire to live differently, like a nation emerging from dehumanizing gangrene. Thus the hierarchy of genres will never be upset, and the panegyric, a great genre par excellence like this one in honour of a pious young politician, is a poetry song of glory  to the ghosts of Oscars. Professor Serge Tshibangu is not parasitized by luck “eloko pamba”, he assumes the role encomiastic, far from being a jester of the King like many before him in the old regime. He cut into the rock to find a place in the shining sun and put his feet on a pedestal prepared untoward.

The 9th century had a Sanskrit proverb: “For the intelligent man, as for a bouquet of flowers, there are only two possible conditions: it must rise above all heads, or it dries up in the forest’. It is the prototype of the intelligences of scholars which always grow crescendo as they age. Professor Serge Tshibangu Kabeya is from this stable to which belong nuanced and non-ironic Republican scholars. Salute this Politician proven to be at the top of his game!