March 10, 2025


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Full Stop: Claiming Mercy Justice for Backstabbing with Stealth Lobbying Shenanigans!

Yes! Katumbi Moise Chapwe is not yet done with immensely infertile and hollow threats. These menacing punches towards DRC all day long are political misunderstandings and linguistic stammerings mixed with the lethargy of a “déjà vu” leadership vision. Many times before Colonel Tshibangu, now a free man had threatened the Kabila regime. From deadlines to ultimatums, he failed to launch a single attack against a single border post in Congolese land, manned by police. Kabila Joseph had held on to power without a dreadful hint of an imminent insurgency. If military threats have not shaken a regime, let alone verbal attacks which in no way constitute an immediate danger to clear? As gone with the wind as they will disappear at the speed of the vortex with its dust storms. Ensemble will leave if the Tshiani Bill of Law is tabled in a plenary… No Ensemble member will be in the CENI if Denis Kadima, the CENI candidate president is appointed…. Ensemble will exit the cabinet if and only if… Ensemble this… Ensemble that! All is just about ranting and outcries with zero effects! Mr Chapwe Katumbi cannot hold Congolese people hostages or contain them in a cocoon. He has no moral duty to insult the intelligence of Congolese people, and he should take into account unborn humans that no one has yet met, not lying to those who now live in the Democratic Republic of Congo, including those the country knows so little about. It needed that interview to prove his failure and discover the uniqueness of a politician with financially endless purses. Quickly, Jeune Afrique and the world became aware of  notorious disinformation display as well as approximate thoughts relating to consistency in his accounts. Such an exercise would have been dealt with much better by his “Fou du Roi” Olivier Kamitatu, vehemently with the effectiveness and efficiency of a guru to help Ensemble and its leader, despite the content fallacious nature. His easy-going oral expression would have saved the pod from roaring waves during the interview in which Katumbi lost the rudder without a basis for reflection. It is a great waste for a man of rare elegance with coherent discourse despite his overhauling into Ensemble, clearly justifiable by identified pecuniary motives. Pity!

Paraphrasing Marcus Tullius Cicero, known for his oratory, in the Catilinaires, he was not wrong to announce in a series of his four famous speeches made to attack Catilina who was conspiring against the Roman Republic, like Katumbi against the DRC, during the conspiracy of Catilina, “Quousque tandem abutere, Katumbi Chapwe, patientia nostra? Until when, Katumbi Chapwe, will you finally abuse our patience? Like most opponents who are bruised at the idea of ​​not having been on the front line, Ensemble was born from the meeting between politically disappointed people, distinct from disappointed politicians of yesterday and ill hearted opportunists who are still finding it difficult to come up with sets of solutions to people’s challenges in a highly conceivable problem-vision. At once pressing, complex and still so vague for Katumbi, the rule of law is imposed on many as a real paradigm shift in the face of which awareness-raising, education and training form important levers for change, despite its (Moise) frenzy aiming at proceedings abandonment and discontinuation relating to matters in progress with the courts and tribunals which he calls with full force for, whereby the whole kabilist stable is involved, Katumbi Chapwe included. Ensemble leader will have to admit that justice includes independent professionals who are asked by the DRC to perform a public service mission, an essential mission in a democratic state. Even in a so-called liberal State, access to justice becomes a State sovereign mission. This shall allow most citizens to access justice, to defend themselves in court or to take legal action, access to justice being an essential instrument of social peace. However, by renouncing it as Katumbi promises in the name of forgiveness, the DRC completely breaks the equality between its citizens by not allowing them, in fact, for reasons of creating loyal allies, to be assured of the best possible defense.

Cicero (Chichero) emphasized his verbal attacks towards Catiline: “Quae cum ita sint, Chapwe, perge, quo coepisti; patent portae, proficiscere ”, the Latin which amounts to saying: As it is so, Chapwe, continue what you have started, the doors are wide open to you”. So Mr Katumbi, DRC is adopting this all-out strategy that you initiated: PLEASE LEAVE  INSTITUTIONS OF THE REPUBLIC! The doors of the National Assembly, the Senate, and the Cabinet are wide open for you and Ensemble to do so in peace. No institution of the Republic will stop from being functional because of  Ensemble departure as if the Republic drew its existence from Ensemble advent.  UDPS had learned the hard way in 2006 and 2011 when it boycotted the 2006 elections and removed its parliament members from the National Assembly, 5 years later. These intimidations culminate in denial for the absence of a new speech which would paint a new picture in 2023. “I came to see my Brother” , the Judas kiss at the start of consultations with the goal of changing the majority in parliament and the advent of the current Cabinet, quickly evolved into something unusual, meeting the essence of this maxim which teaches that the feeling closest to love is hatred. The selectively circumstantial fraternization depending on whether it is about this famous political Balance Sheet -Bilan: sometimes positive, sometimes negative, terms that the Chairman chooses cookie-cutter, reinforce the prospect of a failed interview. It should be remembered that it is because of the selflessness showcased by Congolese to follow his doomed interview disjointed with any substance, compared to his big successes on the football fields with the TP Englebert-Mazembe, area where he excels with aggressiveness and niac. Due to rarefaction of intersections, football grooms gray hair less than political politics dotted with series of initiatives that further integrate the global dimension of the country development like DRC with multidimensional challenges.

From the selectivity of a Congolese justice to looting and embezzlement, the gap is yawning. There is no lesson to be learned from the former first lady whose notoriety is due to her twisted and unordered speeches. It is the selectivity between the visit paid to Hamida, the wife of prisoner Kamerhe whom she had treated as a foreigner during the 2018 electoral campaign, and the absence of any visit on her own initiative to console Rossy Tshimanga’s widow in Lemba that their regime executed in a church. In what would reside selectivity if the prosecution opens an investigation into the former presidential couple enrichment, allowing them to own the Kingakati estate, an island in Bas-Congo and Kashamata Park in Katanga? There is no doubt that in the morning of May 17, 1997, poor little Rwandans and Ugandans in arms along Boulevard du 30 Juin for the very first time had only their big boots as inheritance and not family legs. Where did they amass this fortune to become owner of movable and immovable property, and of an insolently luxuriant automobile parking, not to mention the significant shares in more than 100 companies and corporations in the world? “Incendiary” justice is also added to the declination of its nomenclature; on September 16, 2016, 6 militants among UDPS permanent staff at their headquarters were burnt; the late Sphinx of Limete, Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba, shed tears while saying a soft farewell to these martyrs.

Three years ago, peaceful demonstrations against Kabila’s third term in office caused several deaths. These unarmed heroes sacrificed their lives for change. Justice must be done to them, let us be worthy of their memory & let us never forget their benefits for the homeland “, is a poignant tweet from Ensemble boss posted on his tweeter account on September 19, 2019, repeated verbatim; one has to be ashamed of being a coward. As the phobia is already a construct that allows shame not to be expressed, in this case, one could say, just as the dream is the guardian of sleep, the phobia remains the guardian of shame. They are all afraid of FATSHI Béton! Their objective is the destabilization in the perspective of the coming deadlines. For a long time, and also recently, Ensemble leader has met with Major American Lobbyists whose efforts are valued at more than U $ D 450,000 a year, in the person of Stephen Cooper, Edwin Allan Lightner and Edward Randall Royce, former US Congressman from the State of California between 1993-2019. These lobbyists approached Christopher Koltz, Democrat US Senator, Marco Rubio, US Senator Republican from the State of Florida, with the Katumbi Chapwe project. A project which aims to alternate at the head of the DRC in 2023 with Moise, the next president of the republic; they sensed to themselves the desiderata of Katumbi for spare part to oust Félix Antoine in 2023. This fight, Katumbi has been lobbying since his departure from the DRC during Kabila’s time; the senators’ response was disappointingly final, as long as Katumbi case had already been analyzed and siphoned up and down by the US administration even before 2018, and found it incompatible with the caliber of the ideal man that the US sought for the DRC after Kabila. The resident of Kashobwe did not meet their profile in any way, in addition to the speculations of embezzlement and sale of deposits belonging to Gécamines for its own account and its store management of the governorate in Katanga, which weighs against him. The words “Crap: Foutaise! ” was inscribed on Katumbi file at the “House of Representatives” with footnote “Not a Credible Material – Doubtful Credibility, Tainted ”. The US administration, through its Embassy in Kinshasa, is well aware that Katumbi does not appeal great popularity in the country to compete against FATSHI. This absence of endogenous approval has negatively impacted his exogenous perspective, which gauges the temperature of each of the contenders, making harder to gain international support. Lobbying efforts continued with the EU, Shengen and Benelux with mixed feelings, even at the level of the Hebrew state, Israel, where the majority of the leaders fell under the frenzied credentials and talks by FATSHI through the audacity and the insight of his devastating diplomacy at the beginning of his mandate. This diplomacy proved useful as presidential services were informed of the presence of Katumbi and Shole among many others in Israel, timeously. Shole rightly spoke of change of the country leadership in 2023; this therefore justifies that. This is the bone of contention relating to the endorsement of Denis Kadima as head of the CENI, especially since Katumbi offered a fully built   turnkey  church  to the Catholic prelate in Katanga; there are no uninteresting actions; a picturesque panorama!

Why forgetting “fugitive” justice? There are many delinquents who are on the run from local justice. Besides John Numbi and Kalev whom Gecoco has always wanted to hold the accounts to, a simple invitation from the prosecutor office was enough motive for Kikaya Bin Karubi, the former president obligatory voice, who once swore that the President of the Republic, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi would do nothing without Kabila, crossed stealthy and illegally  national borders in the most inhuman way possible to reach Angola and later South Africa where he owns a property worth more than U$D 500,000 in the upscale district of Hyde Park. Kabund was right to prophesy Fccians debacle by swimming. Matata Ponyo’s “macro justice”, on the other hand, is not distant from fugitive justice either. As the Bukanga Lonzo case was still under investigation, Matata, who was under house arrest yesterday, justified by the presence of indicia of guilt, and he was released without charges being dropped. Today, before the prosecution can complete its investigations, Le Pognon has fallen ill and would like to be evacuated to South Africa to receive the appropriate treatment for the poisoning he allegedly suffered. As a Prime Minister, Matata Ponyo had the money to build a hospital to South African and European standards. So what is the use of the Cinquantenaire Hospital which cost the taxpayer more than U$D 100 Million? Is there a quintessential rationale that thousands of prisoners who inundate DRC prisons do never get sick? Why did Eddy Kapend never claim to be sick during his 20 years in prison? Wealthy prisoners have the right to fall ill while others are so done by that their existence is priceless, so whenever they get sick or fall ill they are treated in the dispensary/clinic within Makala Penitentiary Center, where everything is lacking. This is “Evacuative” justice. It would have been better to renovate Mama Yemo Hospital, refurbish Kinoise Clinic and rehabilitate Kintambo Hospital; instead, Matata Ponyo built Mapon University in his stronghold of Maniema where he exercised undivided feudalism.

With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic induced by the fall in revenues generated by the financial bodies, DRC cabinet gave the impression of panicking, even looking for solutions that would be within reach of hand. The interest granted to the justice of the Republic, and the performance obligation which are intimately linked to it, are in direct relation with this hypertrophied image of prosecution authorities with wide judicial prerogatives, but which, in the hyper-divided jurisdictional machine, are reduced to a link whose effectiveness is not always proven. But, it would undoubtedly be presumptuous to put Félix Antoine Tshisekedi, President of the Republic, in the position of a “Deus ex Machina”, holding a magic wand capable of ensuring justice, security, public order, the fight against corruption and embezzlement, the work of the National Assembly and the Senate, the organization of CENI as desired by the prelate as well as the improvement of the populations living environment. There are certain issues relating to deficiencies in public services and the living environment of the inhabitants which require the president full attention.

There was never any question of the blamelessness of the Congolese justice system, which is re-learning its practice after 60 years of impracticability. Magistrates, judges and lawyers, even bailiffs as well as clerks were all in the pay of previous regimes – Expensive Justice. This is the whole difficulty of hoping to experience justice that is completely impartial and incorruptible in the face of litigants; the President had recognized justice system failures during his interview in the East. Congolese DR will remember for a long time the release of Benjamin Wenga and Modeste Makabuza, illegally. CEOs of the Office des Voiries et Drainage (OVD) and the Société Congolaise de Construction (SOCOC), were found guilty of embezzlement in the project President Félix Tshisekedi’s 100 days program. These Directors General were sentenced to 5 years and 3 years of temporary criminal imprisonment for having embezzled U$D 12Mil in road construction projects in Goma and Bukavu. The Ordinance by the Presidential Pardon granted to prisoners who have totaled more than 20 years of imprisonment, was followed by the Order from the Deputy Minister of Justice at the time, Bernard Takaishe Ngumbi, who assumed the caretaker after the resignation of the Minister, Tunda Ya Kasende. In his Decree, the vice=Minister had inserted their names as beneficiaries of this Presidential Pardon. There was an indescribable outcry that this Deputy Minister from UDPS, took advantage of the execution of the Presidential Pardon Ordinance to grant freedom to Benjamin Wenga and Modeste Makabuza, fraudulently. In other words, the regime of President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi does not extol necessities to improving justice in order to make its imperfections perfectly perfect according to the intimate convictions of the providers of justice which is equitably a reflection of the moral values ​​of Congolese society as a whole, a NATION, from another perspective.